

Past CCA President
Yeah, it isn't exactly prime time for shipping. Cold temperatures plus bad weather plus all the extra packages being shipped for the holidays is a recipe for bad things to happen.


Not sure about most of the ones in the US, I sold a good number of them a few years ago. Only have 4 remaining since whatever it was last year that wiped out over 150 I had grown out in several different tanks. One definite bonded pair, just haven't bred them, and they are slow-growing buggers. If I bred them this month it will probably be summer before they'll be large enough to move along.


a couple weeks ago at batfish, those obl. looked a lot bigger than the fry sam had. I got some in October, the biggest one is almost 1" now.


Not sure about most of the ones in the US, I sold a good number of them a few years ago. Only have 4 remaining since whatever it was last year that wiped out over 150 I had grown out in several different tanks. One definite bonded pair, just haven't bred them, and they are slow-growing buggers. If I bred them this month it will probably be summer before they'll be large enough to move along.

I got mine about 10 years ago and sold a bunch. The ones pictured are a breeder in Texas who moved out of the country a while ago.



Ya, I got a few from the same breeder, had to send him breather bags to ship them to me because he'd never shipped fish previously. Once they started spawning I was growing out a tankful of fry, then I got about 100 juvies from someone else and sold those while I was waiting on mine to grow large enough to ship. I moved the breeding pair to different tanks a couple times, and they always stayed bonded regardless. After several unsuccessful attempts to spawn/raise their fry in mixed community tanks over about a year or so I moved them into a 29 of their own. That time they were exemplary parents, and stayed with the fry until the tank became too crowded. It was that spawn that I had grown out long enough that a few were breeding, they were housed in 2 75's and a 55, when something wiped out all but a few of them. Didn't affect other cichlids, even a batch of tiny cutteri fry was untouched, while the oblongums in different tanks died over a period of less than 2 weeks. I sold a few groups of juvies, but lost over 150 and the original breeding pair.


Looks like Batfish is all out.

If anyone wants to ship me 5 I would really appreciate it. UPS ground get here in 1 day.




My breeders came as juveniles from Tideyman on Aquabid and had numerous spawns - no idea where he came by his, but all that Josh had came from one of my adult pair's early broods and that pair now resides with Matthew. If the fry were pulled early on they could be relied upon to spawn every 4-6 weeks. Those that I'd bought previously from Todd died of a very pernicious slimy fungal-tytpe rot that I battled in vain for months before they all succumbed, presumably the same one that did in their parents.

Off to Bolivia on the morrow. Spawn on...