My little slice of the ocean


potamotrygon fan
Hey guys, a friend of mine from school wanted to see some pics of my saltwater tank and I thought I might aswel share it with the CCA comunity.
The tank is a standard 29.
The tank is currently being filtered by and emperor 350 and 2 powerheads for flow. Because of the big filter and tiny bio load I only need to change about 5gallons of water a week. That comes in handy because the benificial and biological bacteria is so much more crucial in a reef so I cant do too many water changes or the tank will crash.
The lighting is a 76wat t5.
The tank has 35 lbs of live rock and 10 pounds of texas lace rock. It also has a nice layer of live sand
The stock is:
10x hermite crabs
2x zebra turbo snails
1x skunk cleaner shrimp (jacques) -Jacques is easily the most interactive invertibrate I've ever kept. Yesterday I was rearranging the rock in the tank and jacques hopped onto my finger and climbed up my arm looking for food. He's always so hungry. He comes up and steals the pellets and brine shrimp from the fish.
1x coral beauty angel (still trying to think of a name, Im open to suggestions) - She's really fun to watch. It seems like she never stops swimming in and out of the live rock. She also greatly enjoys nibbling the algae of of the rocks.
2x black ocellaris clownfish (homer&marge) -Homer and Marge are very voracious eaters. They like to stick very close together. They always follow my finger or hand around the tank. Marge even bites me some times:D.
1x torch coral
1x mushroom coral
1x patch of sea letuce
I believe thats it. Thanks for looking and I hope your super-bowl team wins.












jaques goofin.jpg
















jaques goofin.jpg







Nice! I too have a saltwater 30g with 2 maroon clowns (Rex and Pinot), 2 damsels (Shiraz and Zin), and a long tentacle anemone (Brut). My SW tank is fairly new, but so far, so good.

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potamotrygon fan
Thanks, they are black ocellaris clowns.
I was going to get maroons but I heard they are extremely aggressive.


I have been flirting with the idea of going salt for a really long time now. Maybe sometime in the near future... Nice setup!



potamotrygon fan
Nice tank, I love the clown.

@rich, you totally should. It's not much harder than keeping a freshwater. Especially if you want to go FOWLR


Hey guys, a friend of mine from school wanted to see some pics of my saltwater tank and I thought I might aswel share it with the CCA comunity.
The tank is a standard 29.
The tank is currently being filtered by and emperor 350 and 2 powerheads for flow. Because of the big filter and tiny bio load I only need to change about 5gallons of water a week. That comes in handy because the benificial and biological bacteria is so much more crucial in a reef so I cant do too many water changes or the tank will crash.
The lighting is a 76wat t5.
The tank has 35 lbs of live rock and 10 pounds of texas lace rock. It also has a nice layer of live sand
The stock is:
10x hermite crabs
2x zebra turbo snails
1x skunk cleaner shrimp (jacques) -Jacques is easily the most interactive invertibrate I've ever kept. Yesterday I was rearranging the rock in the tank and jacques hopped onto my finger and climbed up my arm looking for food. He's always so hungry. He comes up and steals the pellets and brine shrimp from the fish.
1x coral beauty angel (still trying to think of a name, Im open to suggestions) - She's really fun to watch. It seems like she never stops swimming in and out of the live rock. She also greatly enjoys nibbling the algae of of the rocks.
2x black ocellaris clownfish (homer&marge) -Homer and Marge are very voracious eaters. They like to stick very close together. They always follow my finger or hand around the tank. Marge even bites me some times:D.
1x torch coral
1x mushroom coral
1x patch of sea letuce
I believe thats it. Thanks for looking and I hope your super-bowl team wins.

I would bump up your live rock by about 15 lbs and ditch the emperor filter. you do not need a filter on a SW tank, the live rock and cleanup crew will handle everything. The filter will lead to nitrates which are not good, especially since I see you have some corals.

You could get a cheap skimmer as well, the corals will appreciate that.

I would bump up your cleanup crew as well. get a bunch of different snails, etc for the live sand. you can order online from a guy in florida, PM if you want the website. for this size tank, I think a full cleanup crew runs around $25-30 delivered.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Dan - Looking good! Simple SW setups are great, as long as they remain simple. :)

Do you have any issues with the angel messing with your torch coral?


potamotrygon fan
Dan - Looking good! Simple SW setups are great, as long as they remain simple. :)

Do you have any issues with the angel messing with your torch coral?

Thanks and no. She only likes to nip the algae off the rocks.