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My FX5 seems to have a problem


Ok, I thin kI have STUPID written across my forehead.

I looked up FX5 and found a youtube video bu FLUVAL. In that they say that the cannister has to be filled up 1/3rd before you start it. I put in some water (from the tank) and voila .. the filter started like brand new.

Unfortunately one of my discus is dead :(. I think I will have continue with water change regimen for the next few weeks before things settle down. And of course, I need to look for more discus. But that purchase will need to be approved by the appropriations committee (aka wife) before I go on a spending spree. Well, christmas is not too far :D.

Thanks everyone for your inputs and advice. This forum and the members here are great!


The FX5 has to be 3/4 of the way full before you plug it in.

I have never filled it up before. It usually starts up in 2 or 3 minutes. I have left it on and if it doesn't start doing its thing in another 10 mins, that was the next thing I was planning on trying.


Past CCA President
The cloudy water could be a result of a mini-cycle of the tank (also would explain the presence of nitrites). Maybe when you cleaned the filter you wiped out a lot of your beneficial bacteria.

Glad you got the beast started. I'd keep checking your water parameters and be ready to do frequent water changes if things don't balance out quickly.


CCA Members
Unfortunately one of my discus is dead :(. I think I will have continue with water change regimen for the next few weeks before things settle down.
Sorry that you lost a discus :(

And of course, I need to look for more discus. But that purchase will need to be approved by the appropriations committee (aka wife) before I go on a spending spree. Well, christmas is not too far :D.
A trip to the ECC auction might be a good way to find a replacement. Discus Hans will be providing donations.



Close but no cigar

Second: Could be something in your tank or filter is breaking down (as in composting or eroding) and creating some hitherto non-existent condition. Possible but sounds a bit thin to me since cloudiness is in my experience associated with bacterial blooms as in 'new tank' syndrome before the right bacteria get established.

Third: Could be that something inside the filter is preventing the water flow from interfacing with the filter media so that it's just flowing in and out of the filter in essentially a straight line without contacting most of the media. Might get out the manual and double-check to ensure you reassembled it correctly and check to see that there aren't any blockages anywhere that might be messing with the normal flow pattern.

No flow = no/minimal bacterial action to metabolize/breakdown waste hence the cloudy water because wrong bacteria flourishing = bad news. Ocam's razor.

I have a small orange discus I am not particularly enamored of that you may have for a song. Let me know if that's of interest to you and I'll bring it to the next meeting.



Man im sorry you lost your discus. dont worry about looking stupid we all have done something at one point or another. sometimes the fx5 can be tricky. one thing i do like is its a powerhorse. good luck with it and your tank.


UncleRuckus : Thank you

Avatar : I would love to have the orange discus. Thank you! Ironically the one that died was orange.

verbal : I probably wont be able to go as its a Sunday. Sunday is for football .. go redskins!


Orange it is...

I would love to have the orange discus. Thank you! Ironically the one that died was orange.

In lieu of a song will accept a houseplant as a trade for a discus. Or an Anubias, or driftwood or anything(s) aesthetically pleasing or at least benign looking that Apistos could use as spawning caves. Can't think of anything else I need except a used 20 gallon long which while perhaps a fair trade would not qualify as a 'song'. Feel free to regale me with suggestions. Unless I hear otherwise I will bring said discus to the November meeting.


In lieu of a song will accept a houseplant as a trade for a discus. Or an Anubias, or driftwood or anything(s) aesthetically pleasing or at least benign looking that Apistos could use as spawning caves. Can't think of anything else I need except a used 20 gallon long which while perhaps a fair trade would not qualify as a 'song'. Feel free to regale me with suggestions. Unless I hear otherwise I will bring said discus to the November meeting.

And here I was, practicing my vocals ;).

Hmmm, house plants I have a plenty. Any preference? No caves nor a 20 long. Do have a drilled (at the bottom) 40 breeder or a 5 gal with a critter lid.


The real green party

Hmmm, house plants I have a plenty. Any preference?

Entirely your call. I already have jade plants, a Christmas cactus, a short spindly Philodendron and a Ficus tree, but I like vines and don't have much direct sunlight. That being said, I leave it completely up to you - just need some extra green to accompany me through Winter. I'll be indebted I'm sure.