

invert junkie
that is a shame. Gar and cichlids are rarely good matches as the fast nature of the cichlids makes the gar prone to darting/running into the glass which can lead to injuries like yours suffered.

I am so sorry for your loss, I would be devestated if anything happened to one of my gars or polypterus.


Place your bets

I would be devestated if anything happened to one of my gars or polypterus.

Would that mean copious tears or an outpouring of profanity? There's the smoldering stony option as well but what with your neo-warrior aspect I'm going to have to go with the colorful language...



Necessitate are so large, you can definitely get attached to them because they are "regular-sized" pets. I am sorry for your loss,I hate it when one of my specimens die. St least now you have tank room!