Looking for small, colorful cichlids

Hello Guys!

I'm currently a parent volunteer at my one of my son's preschool and they are looking to set up a new fish tank in the lobby for the little ones. I think they are going to set up either a 55 or 75 gallon tank. I've already set up a 20 G long tank with Multis for the school aged kids this summer and they kids absolutely love it. I'll be adding more fish to this tank in a week or so.

The main problem is that they can't spend a lot of money setting up a completely new tank, so I was wondering if anyone was willing to donate some of the supplies and fish to the school. They would love to go with a simple sand and rock tank with cichlids so they don't have to worry about plants.

So if anyone has small, colorful cichlids that they no longer want, let me know. Also, if anyone has filters, rocks, or sand they would like to donate, that would be awesome. The school would surely appreciate it.

The school plans on setting up the tank next month and I'd like to give the tank one month to completely cycle. So I'll be looking to get some fish in October.

Thanks for you consideration!
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CCA Members
It would be great to make it a CARES tank...filled most likely with endangered fish from Lake Victoria.

I would have had a bunch of Hapy Ruby Greens to donate about a year ago...

Anyone in the club breeding any Vics, especially colorful ones? If not, I'm sure that there are folks who will donate some...

I'd bet that we'd have some substrate to donate thanks to one of our convention sponsors...

Thanks Guys! I think I will go the Lake Victoria route. I will let the school know that this project is going to happen for them!

I hope to get rocks, filter and heaters soon, so I can install them.

Thank you

Thank you guys for your generosity! The kids and the director are going to be so excited. I think I've decided to take some of you guys on your offers.

I will gladly take the sand, rocks, and the labs!

I think that I'll get the sand and rocks at the September meeting and the fish at the October meeting.

This club rocks! As a parent at this school, this is going to be a great learning experience for the kids. Chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, and even physics are going to be taught with this fish tank! It's going to be such an amazing experience for these kids.



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I don't have any Vics, but if you decide on Malawi fish, I could toss something in for sure.
Thank you to those who are willing to donate stuff my my son's preschool. I was hoping to pick up some of the stuff like the sand and rocks, but I think that I have to wait to get them until the October meeting.

I'm a little worried about the staff and kids being ready for a larger tank because I've been carefully monitoring their care of the 20L that I set up for them and they are having a little bit of a problem with regular water changes. I hadn't been at the school for a week and when I went into the room with the fish tank in it, the water was cloudy, a couple of the glo-fish that was used as dithers died, and the filter wasn't running. If they can't take of a 20L right now, I don't want to set up a larger tank in the lobby where the fish aren't taken well care of too. :angry:

So I'm going to wait another month before to see how well they are taking care of the 20L before I set up the the larger one.
