Looking for a LARGE standard pleco


Super Genius
Staff member
Does anyone local need to rehome a large (at least 10") standard pleco? I need one to hang with my bitchy female Red Devil.
I will be at the fish swap if that is convenient for you.


Super Genius
Staff member
Great to see that they already live in hostile environments! lol I see you have a Midas or a devil.
Do you want to part with your bigger one?
This weekend we are having our outdoor fish swap. Weather pending either Sat or Sun. Are you planning to attend?
Do you want to give him away?


CCA Members
I can part with the bigger one and prefer to meet Frederick. I was actually gonna donate to Ricks. Let me know


Super Genius
Staff member
Ok sweet! Pending this weekend with rain, and the swap.... Are you able to meet in parking lot at Ricks Fish sometime soon? I can meet on weekdays during day hours if that is good for you.