Livebearing Fish


With the ACLC meeting on Saturday coming around. They will be having a speaker with regards to livebearer's. That said, I was wondering if anyone else was into liverbearer's. I enjoy the liverbearing species and have been starting to breed different types this past year. If you be great to see how many other people are breeding or own liverbearer's.

-A. Wingle


I have a nice colony of Endler's livebearers trying to outgrow a 40 gallon tank. They're all Class N pure Endler's from several different sources, but I don't have documentation to trace their ancestry. I see a little bit of everything turn up from their mixed gene pool. Flametails, peacocks, black bar, blonde, even a single bottom sword male.


I work with just about everything and am looking forward to some of the fish that Rit will be bringing for the auction on Saturday.



I have a 40g with many different strains of guppies. Hopefully when I get a true tank room setup I will be able to selectively breed out traits. I'm looking to pick up some Endler's, either from my brother or from the Auction, if there are any there this weekend.

I been thinking about trying to cross Mollies with some of my larger female guppies. I have read that this is hard to do and even if they do breed most of the fry will die off within a week. Has anyone else tried crossbreeding mollies/guppies or Endler's/guppies?

-A. Wingle


I have a 40g with many different strains of guppies. Hopefully when I get a true tank room setup I will be able to selectively breed out traits. I'm looking to pick up some Endler's, either from my brother or from the Auction, if there are any there this weekend.

I been thinking about trying to cross Mollies with some of my larger female guppies. I have read that this is hard to do and even if they do breed most of the fry will die off within a week. Has anyone else tried crossbreeding mollies/guppies or Endler's/guppies?

-A. Wingle

I know one guy in the club that has Endler's-I can contact him and see if he plans to bring any for the auction if you like.


I'd be interested to hear what people think of guppy/endler hybrids. I know there are large problems in the hobby with african cichlid hybrids, and there are a lot of heavy opinions on the matter. Is there a benefit to guppy/endler hybridization?

On another note, I'm interested to see some pictures of what others have. Any chance on anyone bringing some to the ACLC meeting this Sat.? I picked up three Ameca Splendens from the previous CCA auction and would love to try to find 2 or so more females. Also any advice someone may have on caring for or breeding them would be much appreciated.




Our speaker is one of the most knowledgable Goodeid breeders around. He was Chairman of the ALA and I know has worked extensively with Ameca splendens. He will probablty be bringing some for the auction.

As far as hybrids go, they are hybrids which means you are taking the true bloodline of a species out of the gene pool. If the fish that you are hybridizing becomes extinct, then no true bloodline exists. Just my $.02


Okay, So hybridization of reticulat/wingei might not be the best of ideas. However, how do I know that my "wild guppies" are nothing more than a diluted mix of the two? My "wild" males look very similar to that of Endler's. Their colors are not always as "full bodied" but they have many of the sharp vivid colors like that of Endler's.

Is there are way to check based upon tail type?

-A. Wingle



Our speaker is one of the most knowledgable Goodeid breeders around. He was Chairman of the ALA and I know has worked extensively with Ameca splendens. He will probablty be bringing some for the auction.

That's exciting, hopefully I'll have enough room for everything I want.

I know one guy in the club that has Endler's-I can contact him and see if he plans to bring any for the auction if you like.

Please do and let us know!

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
I bought some baby Ameca splendens from Dog of War. I saw online that they eat duckweed. I'm raising them in a tank with some yellow labs, and have high hopes for them to get rid of my duckweed some day.


I bought some baby Ameca splendens from Dog of War. I saw online that they eat duckweed. I'm raising them in a tank with some yellow labs, and have high hopes for them to get rid of my duckweed some day.

If I had known that, I would have bid a fortune on the ones in the auction on Saturday!!! :D


I bought some baby Ameca splendens from Dog of War. I saw online that they eat duckweed. I'm raising them in a tank with some yellow labs, and have high hopes for them to get rid of my duckweed some day.

I thin Ameca splendens a cool fish, I got mine from Matt about a year ago. Enjoy them, I hope you could get them to breed.


Okay, So hybridization of reticulat/wingei might not be the best of ideas. However, how do I know that my "wild guppies" are nothing more than a diluted mix of the two? My "wild" males look very similar to that of Endler's. Their colors are not always as "full bodied" but they have many of the sharp vivid colors like that of Endler's.

Is there are way to check based upon tail type?

-A. Wingle

While wild male reticulata look like endlers/ wingei, taxonomically they are different fish. Hybrids rarely happen in the wild. There are some really great looking wild guppies coming in from Trinadad over the past year or so. Feeder guppies that come out of Florida may have endlers / wingei mixed together. Lucania goodei and liberty mollies can also be found mixed in with feeder guppies. Also, I'm not 100% sure but I don't believe the two exist near each other in the wild.


Corresponding Secretary
I keep and breed guppies, endlers, mollies, and platys. Right now, my community tank is dominated by my guppies. They are a cross between wild males and fancy females. The original parents are no longer with me but their young are now adults. The colors and variations are amazing and beautiful. They are my mother's favorite fish and she thinks the most beautiful I have, lol. My molly fry are growing out in a nursery tank. They are all dalmation, black, or silver. My platys are second generation grow outs from my sister's and they are just reaching breeding age. One of my females is now pregnant. Out of all my fish my livebearers are the most active. I'm actually running out of room in my community tank and am going to be looking for homes for some guppies and mollies (once the molly fry are big enough).