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L. Brevis Fry...small And Fast

I have a pair of brevis that have successfully spawned in my 120g tropheous tank several times. I've never pulled the shell before and try and raise a brood. Until yesterday.

I put the shell, with both parents and the fry, into a 2 1/2. The parents exited the shell shortly after placing it in the little grow out tank. So I netted them and put them back in the big tank and they immediately found another shell to call their own.

But, the main reason I'm making this post is that these are the smallest fry I have ever tried to grow out. I have had much success with L. Stappersi. But they are bigger fry than these little brevis. So far so good.
It looks like I have about twenty fry. They are taking the baby brine shrimp (even though they are about the same size) and pulverized NLS pellets. What is so amazing, and I'm hoping someone that has reared these can explain it, is that the teeny tiny fry move in the tank like one of Richard's cartoon super heroes. They literally dart around faster than I can see. I've seen many fry jump around before, but nothing like these specs.

No chance of getting a photo of these little ghost like fry. Perhaps in a week or so. :confused0007:


LOL Bobby, sounds like Speedy Gonzales to me. I can picture them trying your patience in getting some shots that don't look like a blur!

Congrats on the fry! Glad they're eating BBS for you. Those little buggers are hard sometimes, aren't they?



CCA Members
I've never had a problem feeding shelly fry...even without trying :)

Because the brood sizes aren't too big, I think that they find enough to eat in the tank itself until they're big enough to eat bits of the food I give to the parents.

In a "new" tank, it might make sense to put a "used" sponge filter in for extra food.

I had a 2'x2'x1' tank that started with a few Lamp. multies. and some small "haps". In a few months there were umpteen-million multies and they had settled most of the bottom of the tank. And that was without shells even (just some small rocks and pvc debris on the bottom).