Gorgeous New Sailfins!


Hey all. My male sailfin Molly from Mr. Clapsaddle (Poecilia Latippina "Biscayne Bay") has been real lonely in my planted (lightly) 29-gallon with a pair of Gold Pearlscale Superveil angels and a peacock eel. He always holds his sailfin up when he's out but he hides 85-95% of the time, and won't even come out to eat! The other fish aren't aggressive, even the angel pair, only when they spawn. So I thought that mollies live close together in the wild, and the whole "safety in numbers" thing so I went over to Rick's to look around. Long story short I saw the most beautiful mollies I'd ever seen and purchased two males. They have the P. latippina pattern but it's blood orange in color and the dorsal fins are rounder and not as wide, but even taller. I have some amateur pictures of them, here you go.

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Thanks! They all like to swim together and show off their sails so it's really fun to watch. I just got up and turned the light on and they are already swimming around!

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They didn't have any females of the same strain. I guess the farm that developed them didn't want the strain to he in the hobby/out just yet. I read that this happens most often when a new cool strain Is developed.

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