Free: Electric Blue Crayfish


Hi everyone,

I have a 3-4in electric blue crayfish that I purchased at the BFD that I need to get rid of. I paid $10 for him at about 2in but if you pick him up you can have him for free. I live in Silver Spring and am free for pickup thus weekend and afternoons during the week.

Please PM me for address.




I have not been able to post pictures. So if you would like them pm me and I can send you some

Sent from my SM-N910V using MonsterAquariaNetwork App


Bearded Wonder
Anything slow moving or truly bottom dwelling would not be super wise. I've kept them with plecos before, and didn't have much of a problem, but he took a run at a few of them and ate one of my 8 cories, so I don't know if I would trust them around anything that was slower or weaker than that. Also, they are escape artists, so make sure the top of the tank is SEALED well.

They LOVE frozen bloodworms, btw.