Eretmodus Cyanostictus


I have the chance to get a breeding pair of wild caught Eretmodus Cyanostictus, what would be the minimum size tank for these?


Thanks Sarah

Probably going to pass on these since 4 foot is needed. I was hoping that with it already being a pair and would be the only fish in the tank I could get away with a 40 breeder.



I'm not expirienced with this particular fish, but it seems to me that a 40b would be ok. The specs on that fish say they only get to 3 inches.


A 40 breeder might or might work out...

In all honesty every pair is a bit different, they are like married old couples... some get a long great some kill each other :lol:

Personally I would ask the seller how aggressive the male gets.

If you do try this... get alot of rock!

Just because it only gets 3 inches... doesn't mean a thing with these guys. They can and will kill in a 6 foot tank if they don't like someone.


I emailed the seller and it is a reputable dealer so I should get an answer.

Since these are on the CARES list as Near Threatened I will have them in a species only tank and since it is a pair they will be alone.

I went wild rock hunting a few weeks ago when they weather was really nice and we had just a had a good rain so a lot of clean rocks were along the banks. have about 300 pounds