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I have a 1m/3f group of Chitande Masinje, almost full grown in a 40 breeder. They are shy, and usually stick to the back and just kind of sit there. I'm trying to get them to explore more/be comfortable with the tank so they can start breeding. I've heard adding some dithers will increase there activity and sometimes induce spawning.

What dithers do you guys recommend, preferably something that I could breed as well.


I have a 1m/3f group of Chitande Masinje, almost full grown in a 40 breeder. They are shy, and usually stick to the back and just kind of sit there. I'm trying to get them to explore more/be comfortable with the tank so they can start breeding. I've heard adding some dithers will increase there activity and sometimes induce spawning.

What dithers do you guys recommend, preferably something that I could breed as well.

Maybe another hap group or some yellow labs..

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Past CCA President
Rainbow fish. They are quick, cheap and resilient. I had a pair spawn once in a community tank, but they scatter their eggs, so it was just a quick caviar snack for the cichlids in the tank.


Mine eventually become very front of the tank social (in a 40 breeder). May just take a little time.

I did have some Christmas Fulus in with them for a time and they did fine.