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Convict/ Nicaraguan Hybrids


Does anybody have any knowledge of these two mating with each other? I turned on my tank light about a week ago and found a lot of fry inside my one rock cave. The nic was putting the fry that were swimming away in her mouth and spitting them back into the cave while the male convict was guarding the area like a prison guard. I removed the rock with the fry and set up a 20 gallon with water from my main 125 gallon tank. I have only lost 15-20 and have over 100+ still left. If anybody has any knowledge of them two mating and has a clue of what they will look like, let me know. I will not know what to do with all these fry either.


Board of Directors
A guy over at MFK has. this is one of his posts.
Nicaragua Cichlid X Convict
Has anyone bred a cross between these two?

I have and they are still juveniles and are showing signs of great shape and colours!

They have the average shape of the NC but with a higher fin/body shape.
They also have stripes like a convict but are iridescant blue with pinkish highlights coming through underneath and into the body!

Just want to know how they will look as adults and wether anyone has experiance with this cross?

Anywho I think this them


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CCA Members
If you sell them or give them away, just make sure you label them as what you are (not that that doesn't apply to all fish) :)

How big are they? If you're looking to get rid of some, I've got some hungry pikes...



Hmmm. I would not think that would happen but I guess we have seen some oretty strange mixes.

Are you sure it a Nic? Any pics?