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Billy Mays, dead.


I just saw this on another forum. This is nuts! I actually liked watching Pitchmen.

So if it all happens in 3 we are missing 2 more for this new week....


His commercials drove me up the wall - but this is so sad.

I thought everyone knew, if you get hit hard on the head and don't feel well, you should go to the hospital!


CCA Members
Didn't that recently happen to an actress who was skiing (i.e. she bumped her head, thought she was OK, and then died)?

His commercials drove me up the wall - but this is so sad.

I thought everyone knew, if you get hit hard on the head and don't feel well, you should go to the hospital!
Liam Neeson's wife....cant remember her name

PS: Can you see the lawsuit against US Airways already? Damages for potential earnings? Another airline going bankrupt?


I meant for this week since technically the week starts on Sunday!

But also a few "famous" people that alot of people dont knwo about died recently like Iz The Wiz known for his tagging in NY

And your thinking od Natasha Richardson who died somewhat recently from the ski accident.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I saw an interview with Mays that was after the landing. He mentioned he got hit in the head and said it was okay because he had a hard head.
Too bad.

I had watched him once or twice on Discovery in his tv show Pitchmen.
Wasnt much.


I guess it depends on his wife on the lawsuit. Depends on what kind of person she is and if she has enough money to survive with him gone. I guess it also depends on if the seatbelt sign was on and if he was wearing it. I read about a case recently where some lady was planning on suing an airline - I seem to recall the article saying she would probably lose because she went to the bathroom with the seatbelt sign on, she said, "Everyone else was doing it" but unfortunately they hit turbulance while she was in - broke her neck. Sad, but not the airlines fault - in that case. My dad was in risk mangement - if you're not following the "rules" the company is rarely liable.

THe only reason I knew about the head trauma thing was because of a law and order episode...

It was jarring hearing him yelling from my TV this morning - very surreal. Didn't make me appreciate the commercials any more... lol From what I heard about him, he was a nice guy who refused to hawk anything that he didn't believe in. I believe that, nothing works better on wood floors than Orange Glo.


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
I would have put money on the Shamwow guy passing first.

Sounds like an aneurism or something.

50 is quickly becoming the new 75!

OH NO!!! That means I'm in my mid to late 80's. Thanks a lot Matt.
