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Anyone sell foam for sponge filters?


if you want the fancy stuff, take a look at Swiss Tropicals....he sells Poret. Lots of sizes and some are great for DIY filters. He's also really generous with advice on what shape/pore size to use.


Don't care about it being fancy. I need affordable. I don't think Poret was all that cheap from when I looked last.


CCA Members
foam for diy

keep an eye out for replacement foam for big filters i have found it in the mini auctions and unless someone wants it bad it usually goes cheap


Past CCA President
How much are you looking to spend? Ken's has good prices. Buying bulk poret and cutting it to fit your needs would probably end up being about the same depending on how many filters you are trying to make.


CCA Members
You get what you pay for man. The one's Matt suggested are very good. Personally, I like the Swiss Tropical ones better.

If you want DIY, go out and purchase a few Aqua Clear 110 foam filter replacements, 1" pvc, airline tubing, glue, tiles (for weight), and an air stone for each filter. After your done factor in your time to make the filters and you'll be close to $5 each.


I have several extra foam inserts I can sell you for $8 each.


CCA Members
From looking around a fair amount, prices on quality aquarium foam are roughly the same.

Aquaclear cartridges are a little cheaper because they are smaller. They are basically 4x4x10 and run $5 to $10. A 4x4x40 piece from Swisstropicals is $25, which is at the bottom of that range.

Angelsplus has similar foam and the pricing is almost identical, although I don't think they have the break on shipping.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
For cheap, you can't beat furniture upholstery stores..... Steve Edie told me so.

(Disclaimer -Just kidding, don't do this. Your fish will die.)


CCA Members
If the cost of a sponge filter is significant, you might want to look at the Walstad method. I would say it takes more prep and patience, but your costs will likely be lower, especially if you keep cool water fish like white clouds and don't need heaters.


Even with the Diana Walstad method, I would always have some kind of mechanical filtration for peace of mind. Particularly as I don't want to stock at the bare minimum, I just don't have enough tank realty to do that.


Michelle -

I agree totally verbal on balancing your tanks properly (eg. Walstad) but I also agree 100% with you on using some form of filtration - all my tanks are overstocked but the water is crystal clear (except where it is brown from the tannins in the water - lots of Oak leaves to reduce pH and provide some acidity for the species that require that) with the water chemistry and plants (and the fish) balancing each other out - BUT -- I still use the sponge filters in every tank - I went to the Swiss Tropicals - HMF large block filters (with lifters) in almost all my tanks - but because of how I have them set up for auto water changing (and their positioning in my fish room) I do use the big Hydra sponge filters in some of the 40 breeders - and I always use at least twice the recommended size for the Hydra just because the incremental cost is very low and the extra protection they afford is superb. Both Ken's (re Matt's inputs) and Chris Stith (locally - StithAquatics) provide the Hydra sponges at the best prices.

George (turfboss)


Staff member
I have some for sale

I need to buy a bunch for DIY filters and other projects. Does anyone here sell this?

The images show a sample 4X4X10 filter and the sheet I have, although the sheet has a small cut out now.

I am not looking to sell the whole sheet, I an sell a smaller portion though.

I would sell for roughly half what it costs on the Swiss Tropicals site.

filter example.jpg



CCA Members
Sure you didn't just dismantle a couch cushion, Mark? ;)


The images show a sample 4X4X10 filter and the sheet I have, although the sheet has a small cut out now.

I am not looking to sell the whole sheet, I an sell a smaller portion though.

I would sell for roughly half what it costs on the Swiss Tropicals site.