Anyone have experience breeding Electric Blue Jack Dempseys?


I am looking for someone who has experience breeding EBJDs. I have a pair of JDs that spawned about a month ago. The babies are about 1/3" and I am seeing alot of blue sparkle on some of them. My question is; are EBDJs hatched blue and black or do they turn blue as they approach juvenile stage?
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Past CCA President
I've never bred them myself, but I have read that the EB babies are apparent at a small size. The EB is also a double recessive gene, so if you are breeding 2 regular looking jacks, the most you could hope for would be 1/4 EB babies. Both parents would have to have the recessive gene. Most accounts that I have read with breeders is breeding a EBJD male to a blue gene female, which would theoretically have 3/4 EBJD fry.

Good luck with them.


I've never bred them myself, but I have read that the EB babies are apparent at a small size. The EB is also a double recessive gene, so if you are breeding 2 regular looking jacks, the most you could hope for would be 1/4 EB babies.

+1 on that...but you would also have 1/2 of the rest of the fry carrying the gene. Unfortunately, you won't know which ones carry and which ones don't just by looking at them :(


I understand the genetics of it. Its just that I didn't think that regular JDs would have this much spotting at this size. Thanks for the info though. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how the develop. Probably not EBJDs, but one can hope.