Acarichthys heckelii pair available


I have two pair and realistically accommodations for but one as of yesterday when the pairings become clear and one tandem decided to start excavating/establishing territory. Both pair are only recently mature, simply stunning and worthy of their own space.

Largish, calm but frisky, benign in relation to other and much smaller species when not spawning, apparently need special conditions to spawn, and my clear and absolute favorite cichlid species ever since mine reached pre-adulthood.

Am looking for a quality re-homing with somebody who knows what they're doing and will not ship - pick-up NW DC, October CCA meeting or Catfish Convention. If that doesn't happen they'll go in the Convention Auction and likely dearly. Standard terms per my usual flexible and somewhat unconventional notions of reciprocity.

Originally from Jeff Rapps, Tony and Matt-Dawg have some of same as well. And yes, the male looks every bit as good as this:




That makes three so far - anyone else want to throw their hat in the ring? Not to be too mercenary but if you let me know in your PMs what if anything you're offering in exchange it's more fun on this end.