75g setup 160 pa 17268


Zack hit a gold mine folks... probably one of the biggest stashes of tanks any of us have yet seen.. I took the other zack out that way with my truck and a uhaul trailer to pick up a stand and tank and it was everything I could do to force myself to stay at the truck so I didnt get tempted to take a tank or two home with me.. IF you are looking for a tank of pretty much ANY size ask him chances are he has them in that basement. Nice folks and a freaking beautiful drive too boot.


$100 for the 75g or $150 TAKES the 75g 40g 20g and 24in coralife pc

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The 75 is really nice. The 10g(forgot to mention that) is only 2 yrs old. The 20g is older but great shape. The 40br is good but will need ckeaned up

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