20gal High planted tank


Here we have a 20gal high planted tank just waiting for a pair of apistogramma cichlids, tell me what apisto pair you guys would suggest for this setup?

Picture 014.jpg
Dear Mr. Fish Keeper:

We would like more plants and stuff in the front. There are not enough hidey places in this tank and we will be unhappy.


Mr and Mrs. Apisto


Dear Mr. Fish Keeper:

We would like more plants and stuff in the front. There are not enough hidey places in this tank and we will be unhappy.


Mr and Mrs. Apisto

I could use 2-3 more plants that are alot more bushier then the plants i have in there now.


Having a lot of caves and pots is a nice start. You could throw in some dried Oak tree or Almond tree leaves. It might not look as good as a planted tank but Oak tree leaves are free and it replicates their natural environment.

Not sure where you live but Tropical Lagoon in Silver Spring has A.cacatuoides and double red A. agassizii. You could also check with one of our new club sponsors Batfish Aquatics he has several species listed.
Here are the Apistogramma algodons that I got from Batfish Aquatics...

The top photo is the male and the bottom is one of the females.




I got a pair of apisto veijita at the PVAS meeting from David Ramsey, they are beautiful i will take pics soon and i will try the oak tree leaves.


+1 double red A. agassizii
Having a lot of caves and pots is a nice start. You could throw in some dried Oak tree or Almond tree leaves. It might not look as good as a planted tank but Oak tree leaves are free and it replicates their natural environment.

Not sure where you live but Tropical Lagoon in Silver Spring has A.cacatuoides and double red A. agassizii. You could also check with one of our new club sponsors Batfish Aquatics he has several species listed.