
  1. M

    FS: 5g bucket filled with live plants p/u only

    I broke down my 75g planted aquarium and the buy coming to get it backed out. Had A TON of live plants from HUGE amazon swords and dark green/burgundy crypts, smaller green crypts, water sprite, 2 medium pieces of driftwood with large java fern, ludwigia repens, and more. The plants are in a...
  2. bertolli

    chip in my filled 40 breeder

    Hey guys, As luck would have it after losing half of my stock from the power outage i did a water change today and while cleaning algae off the glass noticed a tiny crack in front face of the tank. I bought this tank about 3 weeks ago from petco on the $1 a gallon sale. It's a 40 breeder. Is...