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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

"You can't do that..."

Tannin Aquatics

CCA Members
Have you ever done something with your aquarium that everyone said was "nuts?" More important, did you get away with it, or did you "crash and burn?" Did you at least try something that the “hobby establishment” said could not be done, or SHOULD NOT be done? Wasn’t it fun? Expensive. Embarrassing, perhaps…

But fun, right?


Did you try something “different” than what “they” say is the way to go? Something that provoked those kind of "If man were meant to fly..."-type comments?

I mean, something ill-advised, sort of crazy, off-the-wall, or just downright kooky? Or, did you act on one of those ridiculous ideas that someone threw out when tossing back a couple of brews with the gang after the fish auction or club meeting? Something totally wild?


Relax. You're among friends.

As one who has been known to take a few chances, go against prevailing “hobby wisdom”, and generally push the outside of the envelope a bit (as well as encouraging others to indulge in similar foolhardy adventures), I have even developed an unofficial “classification system” for such free thinking. (click to read more)