• You liked BFD7 now you should join this forum and of course become a club member to see what CCA is all about.
  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

What's your specialty?



I thought this might be helpful for any nonmembers looking to join to get more info from club members. Since we are a well-rounded club I think we pretty much have the bases covered, but it wouldn't hurt. Plus it will give us more forum-based discussions. I know for a fact that we have a couple of experts and also that I am not one of them :lol:


I kept Tanginyikan ciclids for a few years. My favorite are the small ones like lelupi, brichardi, brevis, conpressiceps, & julies.

By no means an expert, but trying... :D


Same here, lol. Not an expert by any means, but I am a research junkie.

Tanganyikans are my thing.


I'm sort of a generalist. I've been in the hobby for almost 50 years and have gone through lots of phases, but my focus has been on species tanks and breeding, as opposed to community tanks.

In Cichlids, I'm primarily looking more and more at the small species and have some from South America, West Africa, and Lake Tanganyika.

Other than that, I'm breeding killies and a few catfish. I'm preparing to work on a couple of SW species later this year.
Mostly Mbuna, they are the sport dogs of the africans, and I also confess to being a reading junkie. Not an expert in either by any means.

P.S. I like to figure out how to make things, so if you need something designed to do something, let me know, I'll give it a shot.


I love discus too, I'd be more of a discus afficiando but my water is miserably inappropriate for them. Even with the RO machine it's a hassle. I have one pair of discus who lay eggs weekly and then eat them, :rolleyes:

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I have Malawi. Just like the coloring and they are mostly simple like me.
Like I said earlier though, I tend to breed until the market is flooded.
When I get the 150 I think it will be an all male tank. But you never know.


Since I'm new here I'll give a quick bit of history. I started with betta-in-a-bowl over 20 years ago. It wasn't until Xmas 2003 that I got my first 'real' tank when my husband surprised me with a 29g kit. I now have a number of small tanks (under 10g), 2x 10g, 20l, 29g, 30g, and 75g. I would have more-and larger-tanks if we weren't in a third floor apartment with wood floors.

When first researching fish I took an immediate interest in Tangs, but felt they were for more advanced fishkeepers. But I took the plunge last fall and I'm now breeding multies, brevis, and I set up a small Tang community earlier this month, ironically in that same 29g.

I could probably keep fish for a hundred years and still not consider myself an expert lol For whatever reason(s), I'm good at getting people interested in the hobby. A good friend convinced her husband to get her a tank for Xmas, my step-daughters also asked for a tank, my kids-who live in MI-have a 2.5g betta tank, a 10g, and now my oldest son is cycling a 20g I gave him for Xmas.

I'm a moderator on another site and from doing that I've found I have something of a talent for working with people getting started in the hobby...choosing basic equipment, cycling, stock, care.

Sorry for the book ^_^


Like most others, I read alot. I am always amazed at the questions I see posted (on OTHER sites) which could easily be answered with a simple Google search. I mean come ON, you OBVIOUSLY have Internet access or else we wouldn't be seeing the posts in the first place.

Ok, Ok, I have made my share of mistakes in the beginning, and I am sure there will be more to come...like buying 10 40 gallon breeder tanks without understanding just how big they REALLY are :unsure: :lol:

Seriously though, I like the Malawi's, but apparently I will have to get some Tangs if I want Breeder points for Category C and D. ;)


If you're local, come on by!

Thanks for the welcome.

I went to a few PVAS meetings in the past but the location and my work hours made it difficult for me to attend. It was thru their website that I found CCA. I sent in my membership application earlier this week and I definitely am planning to be at the Feb meeting.