Uruguay Trip 2015


CCA Members
Quarantine tanks and bins set up - check
Bags packed - check
Passport and Import/Export Permit - check
Out of office reply on my work email up - you betcha!

Ready to go!

What am I forgetting? It's got to be something...



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
On the plane in Miami now. Will try to get some pics up this week.



CCA Members
Arrived safely in Montevideo this AM... customs took all of about 5 minutes... had a great lunch at Felipe's then drove (about 4 hours) to Tacuarembo... Very nice hotel.

Collecting starts tomorrow AM with some new places between here and Salto.



Well-Known Member
Should we be expecting a presentation with pictures/videos of the trip at the January meeting?


CCA Members
Probably a joint presentation at some point... although Pete Izzo did a pretty awesome "Collecting in Uruguay" one a few months ago :)

We arrived to Salto Uruguay (actually Termal Dayman) a couple of hours ago. Went to the hot springs down the street and getting ready head over to dinner.

We collected three great spots today on the road (Ruta 31) between Tacuarembo and Salto: Canada de los Pena and Gajo Tacuarembo Chico (on the Rio Tacuaramebo watershed) and Talas on the Rio Arapey. Caught some great fish and took lots of pictures - Tony's posted some to Facebook already. We tried to keep bigger examples of a lot of fish for picture taking and are bringing smaller ones back.



CCA Members
Just returned for a day trip (from Artigas, Uruguay, where we stayed last night and are staying tonight) to the Arroyo Macedo, which is an amazing place about an hour from Artigas in Northern Uruguay.

We started the day with a visit to an amethyst mine. Incredible.

Next we collected some fish: 6 species of pikes, 2 Amazing Gymnogeos, 2 excellent chanchitos, more green Otos (actually Hisonotus)... and lots of other great fish. We had salami and ham sandwiches with REAL tomatoes and headed back to Artigas.

We packed 4 boxes of fish (so that we don't have to transport them on the road). His wife places them in quarantine ponds and prepared for a trip to Cuaro and then Tacuarembo tomorrow night.

Having a lot of fun!



CCA Members
Drove from Tacuarembo to Salinas (Felipe's house) with a stop in Florida to collect at the Rio Santa Lucia Chico (3 pulls of the seine and we were done) on the way.

Caught some gorgeous gymnogenys-type Gymnogeophagus (gold with black mask) there - largest males were >7" (bringing a small group of more sensibly-sized ones back).

Took awhile but we got everything sorted at Felipe's house before an awesome dinner from Helen (Felipe's wife) - Agnolotti (one with meat sauce and the other with mushroom): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnolotti

Off to Montevideo to sight-see, back to Salinas for some beach time and departing tomorrow night...



CCA Members
Returned home yesterday about noon... relatively uneventful flights and process with Customs/USFWS. Tony and I each got 2/3 of our bags at baggage claim... so had to wait around a bit for my 3rd one (it was on the next flight...Tony's the next, next).

Fish are all put away: minimal losses - 1 Gymnogeo, 1 livebearer and 1 Hisonotus.

Was a great trip but am happy to be home and see my family :)



CCA Members
No worries - I think I brought back at least three different kinds:

H. charrua from Gajo Tacuarembo Chico - Felipe calls them the Chameleon Hisonotus because they change colors depending on background - green on plant leaves, yellow on lighter backgrounds and everything in between.

H. cf. aky from Tala (as well as larger ones - same species or different - who knows? - from Rio Cuaro Chico) - these are the metallic green ones. Ones from Cuaro seemed a bit larger than the Tala ones.

H. sp. from Bella Union - First time Felipe's seen these but they literally coated some underwater leaves. Water was unusually high. These are little spotted ones - very cute.

Also at Bella Union we found a mimic Hisonotus. It's patterned like a Corydoras longipinnis but is actually an "Oto". Only found a couple of these but don't think I brought any back.

As an aside, I'm not (and cannot) sell any fish that I brought back - USFWS has really cracked down on "hobbyists" who sell fish...


NO! Not a hisonotus. :(