HOB suggestion for a 30gl


First post here guys, seems like a very knowledgable group.
Have 2 hap / peacock tanks, a 125 & a 90gl which we run canisters on.
When we received a shipment of fish the female bicolor 500 came holding so we have 35 fry..
Had them in a 10gl with just a sponge filter but they are growing...
Picked-up a 30gl at the Petco $1 sale today & tossed in the 1 sponge filter along with a Tetra PF10 hob which is only rated for 5-10gl.
Looking to grow-out the fry till they start coloring & re-home them.
Not really up to par on all the hob's what would be a great hob option for this tank including maybe some room to grow & put onto a 40gl. ??
Any known great deals right now on a good option?
Or is the sponge filter & small tetra hob sufficient, I would think not...
Thanks for some insight


Past CCA President

You can filter a 30 or 40 gallon tank with just sponge filters just fine. Typically, I couple a box filter with my sponges to help with mechanical filtration, but you can use just sponges (they most likely would need to be cleaned more regularly). If you want to add a HOB filter, I really like AquaClear filters. They move a lot of water and are easy to maintain. A single AC70 coupled with the sponge would be a good choice. I have a 29 gallon tank with that set up currently.

Good luck raising up the fry!



You can filter a 30 or 40 gallon tank with just sponge filters just fine. Typically, I couple a box filter with my sponges to help with mechanical filtration, but you can use just sponges (they most likely would need to be cleaned more regularly). If you want to add a HOB filter, I really like AquaClear filters. They move a lot of water and are easy to maintain. A single AC70 coupled with the sponge would be a good choice. I have a 29 gallon tank with that set up currently.

Good luck raising up the fry!

I second this. There's no need for an HOB, but if you feel you must have one, go for an AquaClear.


Former CCA member
I agree on the AquaClear.

Even an AC 50 would be fine. An AC 70 is a significantly bigger filter, so would give you room to grow, but needs more room behind the tank.


+1 on the general comments for being able to get by with a couple of sponges on the fry tank. AC 50 and 70 are great but could be overkill if you do not modify the intake. If fry get to close the intake he could get trapped against it and die. AC 50 and 70 could work after 120 days.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


Thanks for the info guys & pointing me in the right direction.
We had the small hob laying around so will continue to run it for now & can always use another sponge filter.
Will keep an eye out for an deal on an AC...
Fry now are atleast 3months old & only lost one to S.D.S....


Thanks guys for the replys & sounds like I'm ok for now.
Will pick up another sponge filter & ill keep my eyes open for a deal on an AC hob, couldn't hurt to have one laying around.
The fry are actually my guess would be 3 months old & only lost one to S.D.S...