Fish rack


In the future, I recomend using 2x3's when building racks for smaller tanks. It will give you more room between the tanks.


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In the future, I recomend using 2x3's when building racks for smaller tanks. It will give you more room between the tanks.

I accounted for the space between.
You guys and gals gave me good advice and links and stuff. I'm waiting to put it together and start adding tanks
Been looking at other threads for advice on good air pumps etc.

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The current grow out they have is a 55 I'm making "love shacks" females in a 55 males in a show tank then seperate them when the female is holding she gets to be there solo until she can be stripped or spits. Kind of like quarantine but a week or 2 longer then she can go back to the sorority tank. If its in successful I will just fill each 20 long with other cichlids lol win win even if I fail.
Still need to get the 20l tanks and an extra 55

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sorry not clear.
grow out = 55. ok.
the rack will be for 20L for the holding females until they spit fry and for fry tanks?
what is your breeding tank?
Sorry for the many questions. Just trying to plan how I want to go about it.

but where is the breeding tank? in the 55?


Board of Directors
sorry not clear.
grow out = 55. ok.
the rack will be for 20L for the holding females until they spit fry and for fry tanks?
what is your breeding tank?
Sorry for the many questions. Just trying to plan how I want to go about it.

but where is the breeding tank? in the 55?

I'm planning on dropping a male and possibly 2 females in the 20l then after 24-48 hours removing the male back to his show tank and the non holding female back to the sorority tank.(if nothing happens nothing happens try again later)

After the female spits I will leave the fry in the 20 long dep on how they are doing if all is good they go to the 55 if they look weird/ deformed(they get culled of fed to the show tank) or are weak I will fatten them up and send them to the 55

First time trying to breed so I'm probably going to have to add a tank somewhere if this doesn't wrk. I'm working with limited space

Anyone chime in I'm open to advice or help

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Thanks for the clarification Will. I'm also dealing with limited space so I'm probably going to do something similar to you.


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No prob I've got to thank everyone who posted on how to build the rack and Abby for the quick hands on lesson on dados. If you need help there's guys and gals are awesome

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Ok so thanks to Ernest I have Shellie's now smh
I put the rack together put one 20l on it and one 10 both have cycled filters on them to get this party started I have one issue I need sponge filters for six 20l and three 10 gallon tanks I also need an air pump to run all tanks.
Right now I have a topfin with 4 outputs and a whisper with 2 but would rather have one air pump instead of two. I'm willing to trade those for a bigger pump.
Will post more pics possibly a vid as I clean up and add more tanks etc

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sounds like a Kensfish order is due...

He carries Alita pumps... highly recommend. Whisper silent and even the smallest model would take care of 2 or 3 of these racks.... and do it for under $100 IIRC.

Looking good!


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True true but might ask here in the marketplace first. Now to move the double 55 into the same room I think if I had now waiting in my buddy to do electrical (hopefully he has time for free/for beer work lol)

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Wow! I should have double checked that post LOL looks like I was drunk...well that's what I get for trying to write while getting in the bus half asleep, no breakfast, after teething baby decided to keep me up most of the night.

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Jeff Greenspan gave me a fabulous tip for a teething baby when we went to pick up some fish from him last year - A cold bottle of water (not quite frozen). Isaac chewed on a bottled water and cruised around the floor happily the whole time we were at Jeff's office.


Board of Directors
Jeff Greenspan gave me a fabulous tip for a teething baby when we went to pick up some fish from him last year - A cold bottle of water (not quite frozen). Isaac chewed on a bottled water and cruised around the floor happily the whole time we were at Jeff's office.

She chews on my metal water bottle when she's awake, and she loves the teething ring you gave us, and these glycerine(not sure what it is) filled rings along with human flesh or anything close enough to bite lol
I don't know I guess she just woke up in pain. Eventually after trying multiple things the thing that got her back to sleep was getting into the bed with how does such a small child take up so much space.

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