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Any Sandy Spawns Yet?


Lots of glass swimming from my cories....no eggs.

The Apistos I got from Sam spawned again, but I don't think that credit should go to Sandy since they've been spawning every few weeks.


First tropheus holding! :D Not clear whether this was Sandy, the 100% water change they got because we were modifying the sump setup this weekend, or whether it's just what happens in this stage with two dozen randy rowdy tropheus growing up, but yay!
The apistos I got from Sam don't have babies yet, but the female LOVES the little cave I bought her. I tucked it under some wood and hid it behind some java fern and she is in and out all the time, and pushing away the ignorant cories and blundering by Bolivian rams. Hopefully something frisky happening soon!!!


Holly, which caves did you buy for your apistos?

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You can try

Miniature Creamicai domesticus var. "garden"...and coconut shells. Or geodes - they're the coolest if you get hollow ones 3/4 cut rather than in half...

Chris - you hatch any of dem eggs yet?


Former CCA member
Saw (and recorded) a male and female habrosus in the act tonight. Unfortunately, she accidentally dropped her first set of eggs on the very light colored pool filter sand. She deposited another set on the glass, in a corner.

I'll see if I can put the video on Youtube and do a link.


I remember that cave

It was distressingly ugly. Don't you know Apistos have a finely tuned sense of aesthetics? Probably hiding in it because she can't bear to look at it or the thought of being seen in the same tank tank with it.....




do you remember what vendor? I bought a SCC "Chevy" cave but am thinking the opening may be too big... we'll see if she takes to it.

Just curious what other people are using other than flower pots.

I got a cave at the catfish convention. It's a little bowtie sort of shaped thing with a small hole. She loves it.


Not the most critical ingredient

Generally if they're happy/have the urge they'll find a place - most anything that provides "refuge" with a clean/smooth surface will do..
I don't remember the name of the vendor; they were in the corner of the vendor room.

Yes, Sam, quite ugly, which is why it's sort of buried in the substrate, tucked under wood and hidden behind java fern. She's happyand turning yellowish, so that's all that matters!!


Former CCA member
I actually liked the cave, including its appearance . . . At least the apisto agreed with me.

Having said that, I and my fish have been happy with the coconut shells I've bought from Rachel O'Leary.


Former CCA member
Habrosus spawning

Here's the video of my corydoras habrosus spawning, or at least trying to spawn, Wednesday night. At about the one minute mark, you will see the fish assume the "T" position, for transmission of sperm. At about the two minute mark, you'll see the female do an epic fail, dropping a batch of eggs on to the substrate, rather than depositing them somewhere safer.

I decided the best course was to leave everything alone that night and check for eggs in the morning. Unfortunately, the next morning, I only found two eggs, which I moved into a tank for fry.

Dear Sir:

Ahem. The next time I'm getting frisky with my lady please shut off the light and leave us alone. You were messing up my groove.

Sincerely yours.

Mr. Cory


Former CCA member

Dear Sir:

Ahem. The next time I'm getting frisky with my lady please shut off the light and leave us alone. You were messing up my groove.

Sincerely yours.

Mr. Cory

Dear Mr. Cory,

Please forgive me for disturbing your groove.

I have to say, however, that you did not seem at all inhibited. In fact, you seemed to enjoy the attention.

Mr. Fishkeeper
Dear Mr. Fishkeeper -- You are completely misunderstanding what was going on. I was having to work extra hard because you were distracting my ladyfish. So back off mister.


Mr. Cory


CCA Members
One of my Stomatepia pindu females is holding...

Shouldn't the Cory couple be speaking in Spanish?




Shouldn't the Cory couple be speaking in Spanish?


More likely Chaima or Cumanagoto actually though all the native bipedal speakers were extinguished. They'll likely have lots of company ere long...

Just have to love what passes for civilization these days.