
  1. thedavidzoo

    Your OTHER hobbies?

    Hey, Not sure if something like this has been asked here before, but I figured it would be kind of neat to see which hobbies members have or had BESIDES fish. I'm sure our interests are varied! Heck, I'll start, in the rough order I "discovered" my interests over the many years: 1...
  2. chris_todd

    One of my other hobbies (well, obsessions, really)

    As some of you know, I also have amateur astronomy as a passion, and my family and I recently spent a week attending the Winter Star Party in the Florida Keys. While there, I did some night sky time lapse photography, and made some of my first baby steps into deep sky wide field...
  3. gliebig

    Combining two hobbies

    Not the pest quality pics, just having fun...
  4. C

    Other Intrestes, Hobbies?

    Hi! What other interests do people have besides fish? I personally own a horse who I do not get to ride anywhere near as often as I want (transportation and time issues). :sad0121: I am also an avid Science Fiction and Fantasy reader with a strong liking for books where the dragons are the...