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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

What should my talk be about?

What should my (festaedan's) talk be about?

  • stingrays

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • wild type live bearers

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • the amatitlania/ cryptotherous genus and related species

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • large predator/ oddball fish

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • other suggestions

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


potamotrygon fan
I will be doing a talk at one of the meetings and I really liked Zacks idea of a pole. I could do one on stingrays, wild type live bearers, the genus archeocentarchus and similar species or large aggressive oddball fish. I also left an other category just incase anyone else has any ideas.
Also, this is my first time posting a poll so if it doesnt show up, sorry, Im not too keen on them.


Past CCA President
Dan - I'd stick to talking more about you and your fish keeping than trying to generate a talk on species or types of fish. Folks like to see how our friends keep fish.

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
Jon called it. We get plenty of "scienc-y" talks. Not so many "hobbyist" talks. Aren't you one of the guys who had the closed air loop for all your tanks at the Aquamania marketplace?

I, for one, would appreciate a how-to for dummies version.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
yep, a hobby talk.
Remember that this is a Cichlid Club and talks should relate to that to get the most people interested.
Most Cichlid people keep catfish, so we have done that. Most try to take pictures, so we have had talks on
that. Ect. Something that most of the people can relate too. You want something that most people can use. I
think things like live bearers would be for a minimal group.
Last edited:


Jon called it. We get plenty of "scienc-y" talks. Not so many "hobbyist" talks. Aren't you one of the guys who had the closed air loop for all your tanks at the Aquamania marketplace?

I, for one, would appreciate a how-to for dummies version.


That was me. Id be happy to share how to do it, however due to football I cant do much till after the Winter holidays.


potamotrygon fan
We require a minimum of 75 slides btw.

Kidding. You'll do fine, Dan. :)
Aw man, I just saw that you said you where kidding :)
I've been worrying about not having enough info to put into 75 slides about a single topic, haha
Is there a time minimun/maximum or a slide minimum/maxomum? I dont want to make a whole presentation and find out I have too many or not enough slides.


I think for starters, well do them like the BAP talks. 10 minutes with a few minutes for Q and A.

A general rule of thumb is one slide per minute. You can get away with more if you are just making quick points on each slide, or you may want less if you are spending a lot of time on each going into depth.

Keep things moving, though and use your slides to help you tell a story.


potamotrygon fan
Ok, thanks
So my plan is to do a talk about live bearers just because that seems to be the most popular at the moment leaving some time to share my fish and my fish room and leaving time at the end for questions and answers


Dan, I was into fish at your age ( oscars in particular) it would be great if you spent some time talking about the hobby from your perspective ... Pros , cons, interactions with peers and club members, lfs interactions etc... I would go out of my way to attend the meeting if you did. Don't try and be like everyone else, use your age as a niche that has not been explored spoken upon.

Just my two cents ...

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potamotrygon fan
hmm, thats not a bad idea
I just dont know if I can talk for an hour-hour and a half about how I see the hobbia as a kid and related things


Nice to see young enthusiasts taking the initiative to share their experiences in the fish keeping hobby. When I was your age I also kept numerous aquariums where I raised egg scatterers, tetras, livebearers and native fish. I always learnt a great deal by sharing my experiences with fellow hobbysists. Hopefully this will help bring more ememebers together to share knowledge, experience and camaraderie related to the fish keeping hobby. As one member suggested, also try to talk about what got ou into fish keeping, and what it takes to maintain the fish room. GOod Luck


CCA Members
Lots of good discussion and advice on this thread!

Hopefully lots of folks will step up when the club asks for folks to do 10 minute BAP or "my fishroom" presentation...



Nice to see young enthusiasts taking the initiative to share their experiences in the fish keeping hobby. When I was your age I also kept numerous aquariums where I raised egg scatterers, tetras, livebearers and native fish. I always learnt a great deal by sharing my experiences with fellow hobbysists. Hopefully this will help bring more ememebers together to share knowledge, experience and camaraderie related to the fish keeping hobby. As one member suggested, also try to talk about what got ou into fish keeping, and what it takes to maintain the fish room. GOod Luck


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