What did you do to your tank(s) today?


My plans included moving the 4 tens over to the 75 gallon rack and setting up a 40 brdr there. DONE. On top, I have 5 tens that I want to switch out to new 10 gals so that they'll be face out instead of end out. I think I can get them back to back and have one on the end. BUT these are shrimp tanks and I find myself just staring at them trying to decide how I'm going to do it. If I do that I'll have to change the PVC airline and change the surge protectors and the lighting ...So I...

decided to sweep the floor and then sat in front of the 120 trying to figure out how to rearrange the plants and what to do with various problems I saw. Imagined various senarios, got up fed the monsters, sat down again and continued daydreaming about the 120.

What are your fishy plans for the week? Adding anything? Taking anything away. New fish? What did you do with your tanks today?
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Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
LOL. Similar to your day, my actions on typical fish "project days" more often end up falling short of the grand plan. :p

Yesterday, I fed the fry when I got home, cooked dinner, then went down to do a little planting (I got bags of guppy grass, java moss and water sprite from Sam - thanks again, bud).

Besides tieing on some of the java moss and populating the 10 gallon growouts with the guppy grass, the biggest challenge was keeping the water sprite from being violently blown around the 150 eartheater tank by the canister filters, AC110 and the blower. After a while, everything finally settled in a large mass towards the center of the tank, nicely shading all the tied-on plants on the driftwood below. no bueno.

Was initially planning something with monofilament line stretched across a top corner, but realized that this would be a pain every time I did a water change. I ended up cutting and bending a plastic-coated wire coat hanger to build a bracket. The bar stretches front-to-back in the 18" tank and keeps all the floaters on the last foot of the tank. Good stuff.

I'll snap some pictures when I get a chance... it came out quite nicely, if I do say so myself. :)

I then went into the fish room and caught up on some much needed fry-harvesting. Stripped a maylandi peacock, a P. salousi, an O. lithobates and a white tail acei. Got somewhere around 100-120 from the maylandi! Unfortunately, the attrition rate on these "miniature peacocks" is pretty terrible and I'll be lucky to get 10 of them up to an inch in about 2-3 months, lol.


Well, this was last night, but realized I hadn't done a water change in one of my 125s for two weeks (ahem). Then realized the water in the sump had nearly evaporated! (double ahem... I REALLY need to put a top on that thing... LOL...).

Anyway... cleaned a little glass, did a water change, and watched the bullies that are my male festae and my male zonatum, during commercials of the football games last night. Next up: Complete an unexpected trade I have in place for a female festae, and move my PITA to catch severum to one of the larger tanks, since I am removing the heater from the tank he is in, to accommodate the ceibals... whew! Oh, and make attempt 3 to rebond my female lyonsi with the male (fingers crossed).


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Last night I did a quick 70% water change on the angels that did not make it well from florida. All 4 still alive but no fins. Saturday 2 of them were on there sides hardly breathing. Last night they were upright but looked like crap.

I did a 50% on the new peacocks I got saturday, planted the new plant I got and a quick feeding.

Oh and unhooked my co2 so I can get it refilled today at lunch time. Maybe.


Besides tieing on some of the java moss and populating the 10 gallon growouts with the guppy grass, the biggest challenge was keeping the water sprite from being violently blown around the 150 eartheater tank by the canister filters, AC110 and the blower. After a while, everything finally settled in a large mass towards the center of the tank, nicely shading all the tied-on plants on the driftwood below. no bueno.

Was initially planning something with monofilament line stretched across a top corner, but realized that this would be a pain every time I did a water change. I ended up cutting and bending a plastic-coated wire coat hanger to build a bracket. The bar stretches front-to-back in the 18" tank and keeps all the floaters on the last foot of the tank. Good stuff.

You might consider rooting some of the sprites in the substrate. They can get huge and look almost like an entirely different plant.


Did 4G water change on my 36G SW tank for the first time in a couple of months. That thing is in such a cruise control, I hardly have to do any maintenance on it.


Nice tanks, Yun... gotta try a saltwater tank one of these days... when I can afford what I need for the initial setup!



Started making pockets for moss walls. Tedious. Sewing and using superglue. I'm thinking of using small magnets, but may settle for suction cups to hold them in place. It would be nice if I can get it to stand on it's own, but I settled for fiberglass mesh. Couldn't find anything local or cheap that is comparative to stainless steel mesh.

Oh, i only fed the baby angels when I went into the fishroom ... to get a beer. Cutting the front and backyard is hard, sweaty work.
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I fed and did my daily 20 percent water change. I've been doing 20 percent water changes for about a week now. It's really making a difference in health and activity level.


Last night, PWC's in my A. Baenchi growout tank, and in my non-cichlid sympathy tank. Stared at the 20 breeder that I am trying to get running for the nicer of the baenchi wondering why I cant have the time to just get it done.

Tonight, Boil some oak leaves for the 20B, and stare at the 20B that I am trying to get running for the nicer of the baenchi wondering why I cant have the time to just get it done. ;P


CCA Members
Last night, PWC's in my A. Baenchi growout tank, and in my non-cichlid sympathy tank. Stared at the 20 breeder that I am trying to get running for the nicer of the baenchi wondering why I cant have the time to just get it done.

Tonight, Boil some oak leaves for the 20B, and stare at the 20B that I am trying to get running for the nicer of the baenchi wondering why I cant have the time to just get it done. ;P

What are the dimensions of a 20 breeder?


Planning for the potential fish oriented living room redecoration. Sit down with Photoshop and some room pics and see if I can fit together new room with (Choice A) 6 foot tank and (Choice B) 8 feet of tanks. They will either just barely fit with potential new couch, or just barely not fit; they will either look like they were meant to be together, or look like we are fish nuts who shoehorned too many tanks into a room. Yes, I know, where's the problem?


Nice tanks, Yun... gotta try a saltwater tank one of these days... when I can afford what I need for the initial setup!


Thanks! For a low tech SW tank, which mine is, what you need is good amount of Live Rocks. After that, everything else is pretty much the same as a FW set up. Right now, my SW tank requires the least amount of maintenance, but at the same time, I only have 4 fish in a 36G tank.


Global Moderators
Tested the water in the 125 in the classroom. Preparing to move some fish from home into that tank in the next few days.


Tonight, Boil some oak leaves for the 20B, and stare at the 20B that I am trying to get running for the nicer of the baenchi wondering why I cant have the time to just get it done. ;P

'Cos you spent valuable time boiling leaves.:)

The method I utilize for oak leaves is to rinse them and drop them in the tank. In a couple of days they drop. In my opinion, boiling causes them to break down faster and make a mess. Not so bad if you have shrimp or plecos to eat them, but for aesthetic purposes rinse and drop is the best way to go.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I hate this thread. It means that I have to do something to the fish so I can post. LOL
I did another water change on the sick angels. 50% this time.