What am I bringing to the meeting?


Been away for 10 days, returning Sat. in the wee hours so if I'm supposed to bring something/anything to you at the meeting, please remind me here or by PM or I won't be responsible (I know, shocking) for what does or doesn't happen. Much obliged.
Inka apisto pair for me.

I caught your bachelor apisto this a.m. and put him in the smaller tank so I will definitely have him for you on Saturday.


I am bringing you one potati (two potati, three potati, four)... just one.

"Nice guy" finished first, but ate the eggs - seems the lady at my place is into fraternal polyandry and keeps two boys on the hook while chasing the third off whenever he comes around.

"Odd man" should be easy enough to catch considering that he swims up and bites me whenever I'm working in the tank.

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Yes, thanks. You said you were going to bring me some rainbow shiners. I've been wanting them for a long time. Thanks very much, Santa Claus, for coming to visit us in June.

Been away for 10 days, returning Sat. in the wee hours so if I'm supposed to bring something/anything to you at the meeting, please remind me here or by PM or I won't be responsible (I know, shocking) for what does or doesn't happen. Much obliged.


Think not

Yes, thanks. You said you were going to bring me some rainbow shiners. I've been wanting them for a long time. Thanks very much, Santa Claus, for coming to visit us in June.

I haven't any idea of what you speak - you must have me confused with some other brilliant and magnanimous self-enlightened being...