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Too much spawning


Way too much spawning going on here. And now the babies are having babies.

What is the best way to remove unwanted babies? Remove eggs? Remove wigglers? Remove free swimmers?

Obviously seperating mates would work.

My Nics are alone in the 46g and spawn. These guys only spawn every three months or so.

Con and HRP spawn every month and numerous different spawns survive in the 75g comunity. Getting crowded in there and now the 3" babies have their first fry. Pretty fish but hybrid so cant even give them away.

Numerous HRP babies growing out have eggs and fry.

I need to get rid of all the babies first. I still get rid of some here and there. LFS in Richmond (well over an hour away) will buy some but not sure if its worth the trip in gas.

I ship but making styro boxes and shipping is a PITA to make a couple bucks.

I'm sure you all have been here. What to do?


Oh yeah. None of my fish seem to eat fry LOL



Way too much spawning going on here.

Only dance there is, but in context I see your point. As for predation, I've found it can be a very satisfying activity, less so vicariously, but even then.


CCA Members
Pikes are a good recommendation. For smaller fish, I have known people to keep Ctenopoma(Bush Fish).


I have given a bunch away to CCA and ECC. Free if anyone wants to pick up. Shipping is a PITA so I have to make it worth my while.

Thanks all. Not really any room for a pike or any more fish. I am lucky that both my NOW overstocked tanks work.



That's why I have a Carapo knife in one tank and a zebra knife in another. Even so, I still ended up culling 80 cutteri last February, they grew faster than they got chowed. Brown BN pleco fry get tossed into the cichlid tanks as I come across them, but the albino and calico fry remain to grow out.