Substrate for Tank

What kind of substrate?

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I am getting ready to start my first cichlid tank(46gallons). I am wondering what type of substrate to use? I was thinking sand because it is the most natural and it looks good, but I heard it is very hard to clean. What are your thoughts on which substrate to use and if you could also include what brand and specifics of the substrate that would be great. I don't want anything that takes a lot of work to clean. My last question is: how hard is it to really clean aquarium sand because I have heard it takes time and practice. Thanks


I dont have any African cichlid tanks, but I do always use sand in my show tanks. Cleaning it really isnt too hard, you just need a standard gravel vac and then just make sure not to get it too close to the sand.


Former CCA member
I use pool filter sand for my tanks. I don't have African cichlids, other than West African riverine cichlids, however.


You mention a "cichlid tank" but you don't specify what kind of cichlids. The use of crushed coral is going to vary depending on what kind of pH the cichlids prefer. Great with cichlids from the Rift Lakes....not so great for cichlids from the Amazon.

I like pool filter sand because it's cheap.

I almost never use gravel anymore.


Past CCA President
Pool filter sand is my substrate of choice. It's really not hard to clean once you get the hang of it. Debris won't make its way down into the sand, so most sits on top (and actually gets picked up by filters in my tanks).


Pool filter sand is my substrate of choice. It's really not hard to clean once you get the hang of it. Debris won't make its way down into the sand, so most sits on top (and actually gets picked up by filters in my tanks).



CCA Members
I use pool filter sand in almost all of my tanks. For buffering capacity, you can mix in a bit of aragonite, crushed coral or just use limestone-based rocks as decor.

I use dolomite gravel which starts out at 2mm and degrades to sand size over time. I prefer it over coral gets sharp new and powderly over time.