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New Member
I have a 40g breeder, and I was given bad advice, and I was wanting to see what you guys think. I have 450 gph of filtration, and I do small 1, or 2 gallon wc every other day. I have flower pots, and stacked rock for hiding spots.
Bear with me with the stock, I got what they told me to get.
1 male electric yellow
1 male acei
1 male red zebra
1 male Kenyi
1 male midnight peacock
There is no aggression issues ATM, but I'm watching them. All responses Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Past CCA President
I'm not an African guy, so I can't help much on the stocking issue, but I'd change up your water change process. Instead of small changes daily, I'd do larger changes once a week. I can't remember where I read it, but I think you need to do at least 50% changes for them to be effective removing nitrates.

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idk about the malugly fish but an 11.25 times and hour turn over rate from your filters is good :) and i would change 50% or so of the water every week or every other week....


CCA Members
I think if you get rid of the kenyii that group should work for you long term. What helps is the yellow labs and acei are two of the least aggressive mbuna.

I would change your water changes to larger, but less frequent. It should make maintenance easier for you.