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Stock help/Algea eater?


im putting together a little biotope for my pelvicachromis taeniatus "moliwe" :http://www.pvas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1578 and i need help figuring out a possible algea eater that stays small from the region of west africa. im also considering like one more tipe of fish, i like killis maybe (aphyosemion -chroma ) nothing too large nor fancy, help appreciated! thanks


invert junkie
zebra nerites are from south africa, not quite what you wanted but are an innocuous addition and phenomenal algae eaters.


Rachel, do the nerites re-produce at an enormous rate? If i added a handful, would i end up with a bowlful in 3 months or so?


invert junkie
they lay eggs but the eggs will not turn into snails in freshwater as they have a larvael stage requiring varying levels of salinity to fully morph. so the short answer is no, they don't reproduce in fw


zebra nerites are from south africa, not quite what you wanted but are an innocuous addition and phenomenal algae eaters.

They are the best algae eaters I have ever had. They eat all day and clean incredible amount or algae in no time. And they look awesome!!!


zebra nerites are from south africa, not quite what you wanted but are an innocuous addition and phenomenal algae eaters.

i just got home from work today, im so tired...holly crap! you just made my day!!!!!!:love0030::party0018::sign0027:

hahha, at least they are still in africa :D thanks miss, i will contact you in about 3-4 weeks or so