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Sleeping by the river


Corresponding Secretary
My grandmother had to sleep in my room for a few days until we finished the guest room and she said that sleeping in my room was like sleeping by a river. She said it was the best sleep she's gotten in years, lol. I guess that's why its so easy for me to fall in asleep in my room but not anywhere else. It got me thinking about how many gallons of water are in my room, so I added it all up... 108.5 gallons of water and that's without my empty 29 gallon (I'm resealing it). Plus, I keep wanting to add tanks and fish. Everytime I walk into my bedroom I look for a place I hadn't thought of before. Heck, I didn't argue about losing floor space to an extra chest of drawers (even though I don't need the drawer space for clothes) just so I could put a 10 gallon up there, lol. Imagine what I'd do to the rest of the house if given a chance... ;)


Staff member
Think also what a sweet grandmother you have, some people would complain about the noise or whatever but yours instead looked at the bright side and found a way to express her thanks and acknowledgment of your (our) hobby in such a nice way. You are lucky to have such a nice grandma.
What a nice story about your Grandmother! Maybe I can borrow her and she can talk to my husband ;)

Like other folks, when I walk into a room, my brain automatically starts to hunt for where I can put a tank. We're in the planning stages of redoing the den, and much to the chagrin of my husband, I had the builder draw the renderings to include a 4 to 6 foot tank. To me, it is just part of the 'makeover'



The only way I was able to get ONE tank in the bedroom was to put his favorite fish in it. Tropheus (lol I shouldn't complain).... but I would rather a put some relaxing slow moving peacful fish in there to fall alseep to. Not the crazy hyperactive Tropheus.