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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

Show us your snow pictures.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
These guys stand where the snow will not get too deep. The wind will see to that.



Pat Kelly

CCA Member
The Holly tree at the road. lol As you can tell I have not ventured out yet. Taking these through the door. lol



I am at work...(BTW it really sucks)...hoping we close early, we shall see. Here is a picture I took on my phone of my co-worker trying to plow our parking lot LMAO. I am so gland that’s not me; cold weather is just not for me lol.




invert junkie
still coming down really hard out there, lol. I have already shoveled twice not that you can even tell.
snow 001.jpg

snow 002.jpg

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snow 001.jpg

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snow 005.jpg


invert junkie
i am making snow soup (beef barley vegetable soup) today. its a tradition :D We used to lose power when I was a kid and have to cook using the wood stove so we used actual snow lol.


Past CCA President
Just got done with the 2nd pass with the snow blower on my 600 foot driveway. It looks like I haven't even done anything. We probably have 12 or 14 inches so far.

We also have a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove. What a wonderful smell when I came in from outside.


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
ARMAGEDDON 2009 "WHITE DEATH" in the Eastern Panhandle of WV.

These pictures were taken this afternoon around 3pm, still snowing.

Snow Cows



Snow on the grill.


Snow on the Blackberries/Raspberries


Snow Scenery on the farm

