Registration Table at AM2: Help Wanted


Global Moderators
This is a request for help running the Registration table at AM2. Thank you to Christine, Bruce, Becca and Matt Chambers who have contacted me directly to see how they can help out and ensure that all patrons have a great time.

I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. Please PM me directly with the day(s) and times that work best for you. Please be sure to check the event schedule prior to messaging me, to ensure the time(s) you are volunteering are ideal for you.

Thank you in advance.

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Global Moderators
Please help me to help you have a great time at AM2 by volunteering at the Registration table.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
As we discussed, I'll help you guys out where I can, Andrew.

Registration is the most crucial spot that can make or break the event. We need folks there. It's not fair to have the same 3-4 people sitting there all weekend. Please, think of your friends.

Please volunteer for an hour or two. This will not ruin your convention, I swear.

If we do not get anyone to step up, I will guarantee everyone that I will not vote in favor of doing this event again next year.

This is bull ****.


CCA Members
Herman Wong has as well (I think for Saturday)...

But absolutely we need more of our members to step up and help out.



Maybe we should check with PVAS and GWAPA to see if any of their club members might be willing to help out with the event? It's not like the event is CCA only.


Past CCA President
Maybe we should check with PVAS and GWAPA to see if any of their club members might be willing to help out with the event? It's not like the event is CCA only.

This is a CCA run event. PVAS and GWAPA have been generous enough to sponsor the event. We need CCA members to step up and help out.


Folks, I personally would love to assist with this event, and when I arrive, I am happy to chip in however I am able to. This weekend conflicts with plans, some still fluid, that my wife has for her birthday. As such, I am simply unable to make promises based on timeframes... when I'll be there... how long I'll be there... etc. I simply do not know just yet, and I don't want to commit, then let somebody down. So to the extent at which I can volunteer to help with something after I arrive, based on the time I'll have available to me, I gladly do so.

Perhaps its not much, but its what I got for now. Thanks.



Global Moderators
I understand people's reluctance to volunteer. You paid your money to take part in everything and don't want to miss a thing. I also understand if you feel like you are being made to feel guilty by not helping out. I am not trying to take that route at all.

That being said, I am requesting that you do what you can to donate some time and help out at the Registration table. The tasks involved with helping at Registration include:
- Checking off names of attendees and handing them their ID badge.
- Registering walk-up attendees by writing their names on badges, taking payments and helping them to record their information (name, address, email, club affiliation).
-Answering questions to the best of your ability.

Thank you to the following people who have already agreed to commit some of their time to Registration: Christine, Bruce, Matt Chambers, Becca, Alexandra, Mark K


Global Moderators
At the moment, I am requesting assistance for the following days/times (Note: some increments are 30 minutes, others are one hour):

7:00-7:30pm (2 people)

9:00-10:00pm (2 people)

9:30-10:30am (2 people)

10:30-11:30am (1 person)

12:30-1:00pm (1 person)

1:00-1:30pm (3 people)

1:30- 2:00pm (2 people)

2:30- 3:00pm (2 people)

3:00-4:00pm (4 people)

8:00-9:00am (4 people)

9:00 -10:00am (4 people)

10:00-11:00am (3 people)

11:00am-12:00pm (3 people)

12:00 - 1:00pm (3 people)

1:00 - 2:00pm (2 people)

If you are able to help, please reply to this thread and write your name next to the time(s) you are committing.

Thank you!!!


CCA Members
Members from the host club helping out is kind of the price you pay for your club bringing you speakers, vendors and sponsors from around the world to your doorstep.

Think how long it would take you to drive to an event outside of our area (round trip)...


b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
I am in a situation similar to Rich. I have also contacted Andrew to state that I'll jump in if and when I show up. That's the best I can offer. While it's not optimal, I'd rather NOT commit then show up and volunteer for whatever than commit then no-show.



At the moment, I am requesting assistance for the following days/times (Note: some increments are 30 minutes, others are one hour):

7:00-7:30pm (2 people)Alexandra

9:00-10:00pm (2 people)Alexandra

9:30-10:30am (2 people)

10:30-11:30am (1 person)

12:30-1:00pm (1 person)

1:00-1:30pm (3 people)

1:30- 2:00pm (2 people)

2:30- 3:00pm (2 people)

3:00-4:00pm (4 people)

8:00-9:00am (4 people)

9:00 -10:00am (4 people)

10:00-11:00am (3 people)

11:00am-12:00pm (3 people)

12:00 - 1:00pm (3 people)

1:00 - 2:00pm (2 people)

If you are able to help, please reply to this thread and write your name next to the time(s) you are committing.

Thank you!!!
Let me know where else you need me. The only day I can't do is Sunday.