Pre Order List for the JUNE Meeting


CCA Members
Hey everyone, I have a huge, massive, incredible pre-order list. I have a shipment of West African fish coming in later this week, which I will add to this, hopefully tomorrow night.

This is a pre-order list, meaning the fish are currently not on hand. Please do not ask me for pictures, sizing information, to get you a male, etc. -- I don't have that information, except where it's listed below. Please note that this differs from the current list of in stock fish, which is available at:

The way a pre-order works is that you must make a 50% deposit on these fish to secure them. They're all listed at a lower price than what would usually be available. That's because I'm not buying them "on spec," but with a specific customer in mind (you), so I can offer them at a lower price, as I do not have to indefinitely house them, feed them, clothe them, etc. These fish will be arriving on FRIDAY the 23rd, and can be picked up at the GWAPA meeting on the 24th, at the PVAS meeting on the 7th, at the Batfish Warehouse in Burtonsville, MD, by arrangement between the two, or at the CCA meeting on the 14th. They may also be shipped, but please ask about shipping charges before hand. Also, please ask about pickup arrangements beforehand, too -- please don't assume I'll be available! :)

You must place the order by E-mail to, not on the forums, by PM, telepathy, or note-arrowed-to-my-front-door (Sorry, Oliver). You must also make a 50% deposit via PayPal to that same e-mail address. Please tell me when you would like to pick up the fish as well. The cut-off date on this pre-order list is TUESDAY 20 MAY at 12-NOON.

Lastly, before getting to the list, I am officially instituting two new policies on pre-ordered fish. The first is on minimum quantities. The minimum quantities specified in the pre-order are enforced by the shipper, not by me or Batfish Aquatics. I don't really care if you want 12 or 2 Blue Mickey Mouse Moons. Please feel free to SPLIT minimum quantities with someone else -- and, if you tell me that "6 are for me, 6 are for So-N-So," I will generally put them in separate bags. I really don't mind. :) As long as a total of 12 or whatever are ordered, it makes no difference to me.

More importantly, though, a number of people recently have "stood me up" on picking up fish that they've pre-ordered. They ask to pick them up one day, and then either cancel or just don't show up, and ask about a second time, etc., etc. I actually still have fish for one person from a pre-order 3 months ago. Many times, pre-ordered fish are only one or two of something, and because I will generally not combine a new shipment of fish with an old one, I have a tank that is being held up by one or two fish, indefinitely. This eliminates the advantage of the pre-order on my end. As such, effective immediately, if you fail to pick up the fish as initially arranged (or sooner), you will void your deposit. With that being said, you all know me, and know that I'm a fairly reasonable and reasonably fair person -- the babysitter cancelled, it's snowing, there was a family emergency, I brought you scotch, etc. -- these things happen, and I won't hold it against you.

And, finally, not on the list, but available, I have a great selection of pond fish and plants -- let me know what you're looking for!

So, without further adieu --

Those sold per each, no guarantee on sex, but usually 2 fish = 1 m, 1 f.
Those sold by pair are a guaranteed pair (No guarantee on compatability).

Pertensis -- $12
Agassizi "Super Red" -- $40 PAIR
Baenschi "Inca," Peru -- $15
Cacatoides, "Double Red" -- $32 PAIR
Erythrura -- $70 PAIR
Paucisquamis -- $25

Adoketa -- $38
Cupido -- $21
Curviceps -- $8
German Blue Ram -- $6
Electric Blue Ram -- $18
Green Pike (Dwarf) -- $27
Kribensis -- $4
Neetroplus -- $50
Red Chromide -- $4.50
Two Spot Dwarf Pike -- $28

Angelfish, California Green -- $25
Leopoldi Angelfish -- $27
Peru Altum Angel (Bred) -- $11
Jaguar Angel -- $22

Geo. balzani -- $8
Geo. brasiliensis --$3
Geo. sp. "Rio Negro" -- $35
Geo. winemilleri -- $38
Gymnogeo. sp. "La Norte" -- $16
Gymno. rhabdotus -- $30
S. daemon (XLG) -- ASK (NO SHIP)

Blue Acara -- $4
Carpintis -- $20 (Large)
Centarchus -- $25 (Large)
Convict -- $2.50
Convict, Pink -- $3
Chocolate -- $9
Dempsey -- $4
Festivus -- $5
Firemouth -- $3
Green Terror -- $5
Jewel -- $4
Managuense -- $7
Peacock Bass -- $9
Pike -- $10
Polleni -- $10
Rainbow -- $8
Red Devil -- $6
Salvini -- $3.25
Severum -- $6
Synspilum -- $8

Cryto. moorii "Dolphin" -- $6
Frontosa mpimbwe blue -- $50
Frontosa black widow -- $75
Hap. "Thick Skin" -- $20
Lamp mustax -- $14
Redfin Borleyi -- $6
S. Ahli -- $6
Tropheus moori "Firecracker" -- $12
T. moori "Blonde Firecracker" -- $25
T. moori "Red Band" -- $17
T. moori "Yellow Band" -- $25
Variabilochromis moori -- $25

Domestic Betta
Male -- $5
Female -- $4
Dumbo Delta Tail:
Male -- $12
Female -- $7
Dumbo Shortfin Males -- $12
Half Moon:
Male --$5.50
Female -- $4.50
Half Moon Mustard Gas Male -- $28
Half Moon Twintail Male -- $8
Male -- $4
Female -- $3.50

Betta unimaculata, Red, PAIR -- $100

Gourami -- Min 6 Unless Stated
Blue -- $2.50
Gold -- $2.25
Kissing, Green -- $1.50
Kissing, Pink -- $3
Lavender -- $2.25
Opalanine -- $2
Pearl -- $2.75
Platinum -- $2
Snakeskin -- $2.50
Thicklip -- $2.75

Dwarf -- $5
Flame Dwarf -- $6
Honey Sunset -- $4.50
Neon Dwarf (All Male) -- $7
Powder Blue (All Male) -- $8

Croaking -- $2.50

Banded Ctenepoma -- $12
Leopard Ctenepoma -- $8

Albino -- $2 (Min 6)
Aeneus -- $2.25 (Min 6)
Juli -- $5
Panda -- $5
Panda, Longfin -- $9
Rabauti -- $14
Paleatus -- $4
Burgessi -- $25 (6+ @ $20 each)

L020 Brevis -- $45
L103 Clown -- $8
L066 Royal Tiger -- $60
L090 Papa Lyretail -- $45
L046 Zebra -- $250
L114 Sternella Redtail -- $50
L312 Lasiancistrus spp. -- $20
L305 Yellow Finned Lemon -- $50 (These guys are cool, very few left).

Ghost -- $5
Mystus Cat ("Asian" Upside Down) -- $7.50
Pictus -- $9
Raphael, Striped -- $8
Tiger Shovelnose -- $14

Syno. brichardi -- $65 (LARGE!)
Syno. eupterus "Lace" -- $4
Syno. nigriventris -- $5

Cetopsis sp. "Blue Torpedo" -- $45
Tatia schultzi -- $25
Tatia perugiae (Honeycomb) -- $12
Trichomycterus davisi -- $12
T. davisi, Large -- $30

Clown Loaches:
1.5" -- $6
2" -- $10
3" -- $12
4" -- $40
(For Any Clown Loach, Quantity Discounts Available for 6+, ASK)

Angelicus -- $12
Banded Redtail -- $6
Peppered -- $4
Queen -- $20 (Large)
Redtail Blue -- $9
Sidthimunki -- $10 (Min 6)
Skunk -- $5
Tiger -- $10
Zipper -- $6

Horse Face -- $4
Kuhli -- $4

Common Barbs -- Min 6 Unless Stated
Black Ruby -- $3
Camouflage (Round Barred) -- $4
Cherry -- $1.25
Veiltail Cherry -- $1.50
All Male Cherry -- $1.75
Albino Cherry -- $2
Drape Fin -- $3.50

Gold -- $1.25
Hexazona -- $4

Odessa -- $6
Pentazona -- $4
Red Glass -- $2
Rosy -- $1
Longfin Rosy -- $2.25
All Male Rosy -- $2
Neon Rosy -- $1.75
All Male Neon Rosy -- $3
Tiger -- $1.10
Medium -- $1.75
Large -- $4
Albino -- $2
Green -- $3
Red -- $6

Uncommon Barbs (No Minimums)
Rohan Barb, LARGE -- $22
Mahecola -- $7
Roseline, LARGE -- $45

Danios: (All are Min 12)
Giant -- $1.25
Gold Zebra -- $0.65
Longfin Gold Zebra -- $0.85
Longfin Leopard -- $0.75
Longfin Blue -- $1
Longfin Zebra -- $0.75
Pearl -- $0.75
Zebra -- $0.50

Rasboras, Others: (All are min 6)
Brillian Rasbora -- $1.50
Black Harlequin -- $4
Gold Harlequin -- $8
Harlequin -- $4
Scissortail -- $1.75

All Tetras are Minimum 12, unless specified.
Black Neon Tetra -- $1.50
Black Phantom Tetra -- $3
Bleeding Heart Tetra -- $4
Bloodfin Tetra -- $2.50
Blue Tetra -- $2.50
Cardinal Tetra, LG, Fl Farmed -- $2.65 (No guarantee, pick up at PVAS OR GWAPA ONLY)
Cardinal Tetra, WILD -- $2.25 (No guarantee, pick up at PVAS OR GWAPA ONLY)
Colombian, Albino -- $2.50
Congo Tetra -- $3.50
Congo Tetra, Yellowfin -- $10 (No min)
Diamond Tetra -- $3
Glassfish, Humphead -- $25 (Min 3)
Green Fire -- $3.25
Humminbird Tetra -- $4
Lemon Tetra -- $2
Neon Tetra -- $2.50
Phoenix Tetra -- $12 (Min 3)
Pristella Tetra -- $2
Red Eye Tetra -- $2
Robert's Tetra -- $3.50
Serpae Tetra -- $2
Silver Tip Tetra -- $2
Three Spot Tetra -- $3.50

Marble Hatchetfish -- $4
Silver Hatchetfish -- $5

Ansorge's Neolebias -- $7 (Min 6)
Domino Neolebias -- $5 (Min 6)

Distichodus lusosso - $30 (NO MIN)
Distichodus sexfasciatus -- $35 (NO MIN)

All Platies
Blue -- $1.25
Bumblebee -- $4
Dawn -- $1.50
Green Lantern -- $2.50
Gold Crescent -- $1.50
Mickey Mouse Sunburst -- $1.25
MM Red -- $1.45
MM Red Candy -- $1.75
Panda -- $5
Red -- $1.25
Red Tux -- $1.50
Sunburst -- $1.25
Twinbar -- $1.25

All Swordtails
Black -- $2.50
Brick Red -- $2.25
Green -- $1.25
Lemon -- $2
Lyretail -- $5
Marigold -- $2.50
Neon -- $2
Pineapple -- $2.50
Tricolor Mickey Mouse -- $6
Velvet -- $3
Velvet Tux -- $3.50
Velvet Wag -- $2.75

Marigold Variatus -- $1.50
Painted Variatus -- $3.25
Redtail Black Variatus -- $1.75
Redtail Blue Variatus -- $1.85
Sunset Variatus -- $1.50

Arrowana, African -- $25
Arrowana, Silver -- $35
Butterflyfish -- $12

Bichir, Ansorgii -- $40
Bichir, Delhezi -- $45
Bichir, Palmas -- $6
Bichir, Senegal (Albini) -- $13
Ropefish -- $12

Black Spot Eel -- $22
Fire Eel -- $24 (Larger sizes available, ask)
Moray Eel -- $18
Tiretrack Eel -- $15
Tiretrack Eel, Wild, Burma -- $25
Zig Zag Eel -- $9

Goby, Bumblebee -- $2.25
Goby, Bumblebee Ocellot -- $8 (Really cool)
Goby, Desert (Gold) -- $18
Goby, Knight -- $8
Goby, Mogunda Purple -- $12
Goby, Rainbow -- $4
Goby, Sulawesi Golden -- $12

Clown Knife -- $3
Black Ghost Knife -- $15 (TANK BRED! AWESOME).

Puffer, Abei XL -- $45
Puffer, Figure 8 -- $6
Puffer, Fugu -- $22
Puffer, Leopard -- $4
Puffer, Mbu -- $100
Puffer, Mbu Large -- ASK
Puffer, Pea -- $4 (min 6)
Puffer, Target (LG) -- $18

Archer -- $14
Tiger Datnoid -- $20
Scat, Green -- $12
Scat, Ruby -- $25
Scat, Silver -- $11

Elephant Nose -- $20
Elephant Nose, Double Trunk -- $25
Needlefish -- $22

INVERTS (All are MINIMUM 6 unless stated otherwise)

Microcrabs, Thai -- $3.50 (MIN 12)

Whisker Shrimp -- $1
Crystal Black Shrimp -- $8
Crystal Red Shrimp -- $6
Blue Velvet Shrimp -- $5
Orange Bee Shrimp -- $4
Rainbow Shrimp -- $2.50 (NO idea what this is, order it and find out)
Red Rili -- $5
Yellow Rili -- $5
Blue Rili -- $8
Mosura Shrimp -- $20 (No Min, 6+ @ $18 each)
Hinomura Shrimp -- $25 (No Min, 6+ @ $22 each)

Snail, Chocolate Rabbit -- $5
Snail, Golden Rabbit -- $9
Nerite, Black Racer -- $1.85
Nerite, Horned -- $1.25
Nerite, Oliver -- $1.00
Nerite, Tiger -- $1.50
Nerite, Zebra -- $1.75

Crab, Red Claw -- $2.25
Crab, Red Devil -- $10
Crab, Fiddler -- $2
Crab, Towouti -- $12


Axolotl -- $30
Axolotl, Albino -- $35
Axolotl, Golden Albino -- $40
Newt, Bluetail -- $17
Newt, Fire -- $4
Newt, Paddletail -- $12
Newt, Iberian Ribbed -- $22
Newt, Iberian Ribbed, LEUCISTIC -- $45
Siren, Greater -- $75
Siren, Lesser -- $25

Caiman, Dwarf -- $500
Turtle, African Sideneck -- $35
Turtle, Gibba Sideneck -- $75
Turtle, Mud (Gabon) -- $55
Turtle, Razor Back -- $50

Arrow Frog, Azureus (Blue) -- $75
Arrow Frog, Black and Blue Aruatus -- $70
Arrow Frog, Auratus "Turqois" -- $72
Arrow Frog, Tinctorious "Powder Blue" -- $70
Arrow Frog, Tinctorious "Oyapock" -- $90
Arrow Frog, Asst. -- $65

Frog, Albino Red Eye Tree -- $45
Frog, Green Pac Man -- $30
Frog, Red And Black Walking -- $25
Frog, Tomato -- $40

Gecko, Asian Flying -- $40
Gecko, Day (Giant) -- $85
Gecko, House -- $3 (12+ @ $2.25)
Gecko, Golden -- $12
Gecko, Marbled -- $14
Gecko, Tokay -- $20

Skink, African Fire -- $40
Skink, African Giant Redside -- $20
Skink, Dwarf -- $14
Skink, Peter's Banded -- $150 (LIMITED TIME AT THIS PRICE)
Skink, Rainbow Tanzania -- $25


Please note: our usual meeting on June 14th has been moved to the 21st because the school was not available on our usual date.

I hope this doesn't mess things up too much for you, Josh.


The ONE who is The ONE
I'll take:
10 C.Aeneus
10 Conchu Blue Tetras
And maybe two Altums. How big are they if you have the ability to find out. Also are you able to get pairs?

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


Which Hummingbird Tetra is it? I've come up with a few very different fish under that name courtesy of google.


Wait... are there really "Candiru" cats on your list, or are you just kidding around?

There are no registered keepers of T. davisi on planet catfish, now I know why...


CCA Members
I'll take:
10 C.Aeneus
10 Conchu Blue Tetras
And maybe two Altums. How big are they if you have the ability to find out. Also are you able to get pairs?

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app

Please order via e-mail. :)

The Altums are going to be about a 3-4" tall fish. That's way too small to accurately sex.
Last edited:


CCA Members
Which Hummingbird Tetra is it? I've come up with a few very different fish under that name courtesy of google.

Characidium cf. fasciatum (per Weitzman and others, there are like 60 species of Characidium, most of which you and I cannot distinguish. Frustratingly, they're all spawnable in the average aquarium, but if you don't get them all at once, you'll probably get multiple species!).


CCA Members
Wait... are there really "Candiru" cats on your list, or are you just kidding around?

There are no registered keepers of T. davisi on planet catfish, now I know why...

This is not "The" Candiru. That fish is Vandellia cirrhosa; same family though.

Don't make me go through the myth busting process on the Candiru again. :beamup:


Characidium cf. fasciatum (per Weitzman and others, there are like 60 species of Characidium, most of which you and I cannot distinguish. Frustratingly, they're all spawnable in the average aquarium, but if you don't get them all at once, you'll probably get multiple species!).

Hey, so long as they're the "darter" ones and not these - - I'm interested. Of course, as usual, 12 is more than I know what to do with.

Is anyone interested in splitting an order of these?


CCA Members

There's MORE:

Apisto. diplotaenia VERY UNUSUAL -- $45 each

L018 Gold Nugget -- $45 for 2", $60 for 3".
L047 King Pleco, Medium -- $85
L047 King Pleco, Jumbo -- $150

Luciocephalus -- $28.


CCA Members
whoa, that sounds incredible but that's a bit too big. Do you have anything in the 1ft-2ft range? Also, what is the 6+ discount for the 1.5" clown loaches?

The next size down would be $45. Which is a pretty big price drop!:)

Six plus of the smallest clown loaches would be $5.50 each -- not too big a price drop on that size.