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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Starting to get fish in the show but so far no photos are entered.
For a club that is known for the photographers. lol



I'm sure I have something to enter but I don't have anything to print it with. Whats the deadline for photo entries.
I want in! What is the process? more info? I have no time lately to look these things up. I would love to enter a fish too but I have not time to get that together too. I haven't even had much time to post lately.


I thought I remember seeing other guidelines for the photography class. I seem to recall there was to be minimal photo editing.


I know what you're asking for - entry guidelines, right? There don't seem to be any. I would have sworn there were guidelines, but I googled the site for it and came up with nothing.

Free For All? Really opens things up when there aren't constraints on the entries... I'm even thinking of doing something for it, now! I wasn't going to since there are much better photographers on the site than myself!
What are we competing for? are we making prints? what size should the prints be? If not prints are we just submitting a file? I can not find anything!


I guess we're going to have to wait for Pat to let us know for certian, but right now it looks like a free for all! That could be fun... Of course, Mr. Printmaker... you have a slight edge on the rest of us in the size/quality of print dept! lol


You submit prints. Must be of fish (preferably cichlids LOL!). Most folks submit prints that are at least 11x17. Not sure if there is a rule about them being framed and or matted.


Michael - are there guidelines about photo editing?

Nope, it is your vision. Make sure it is your photo and not one that was swiped from the Internet.

What you do not want to do is submit a 'fake' photo (fish superimposed over a different background kind of thing). Some judges may take off points for an obvious fake.

Lots of folks like to 'paint' the background black. This is fine, but if it is an obvious paint job, you probably will have points deducted.

Hope that helps.


But, if I wanted to get "artsy fartsy" (as my brother in law would say) I could? What I mean is, serious photo manipulation. Techically, it is a photo - or should it be entered under the "other" class?

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
There has never been a real group of rules for this class. You simply submit a picture.
Francine is the person to ask on this.
She has won more of these then anyone I know.

I am hoping she will be there today and you can discus


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
So Francine gave a few pointers yesterday.

Remember that photos are like the fish. Registration is due

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Oh yeah and since someone really asked yesterday..... The photo needs to be aquarium related. No pictures of your car or your girl. Not even with your girl on your car.
Course you could still bring them to share.
Since this is a freshwater show it should also be freshwater fish.

Or if you made a fish quilt or sculpture etc, remember it includes art.

and right now 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are up for grabs since nobody has entered. lol



Oh yeah and since someone really asked yesterday..... The photo needs to be aquarium related. No pictures of your car or your girl. Not even with your girl on your car.
Course you could still bring them to share.
Since this is a freshwater show it should also be freshwater fish.

Or if you made a fish quilt or sculpture etc, remember it includes art.

and right now 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are up for grabs since nobody has entered. lol

We should have at least three people. Jumbie and myself plan on entering if Francine does we could grab the top three lol. Hopefully Mike Hill will enter something his photos are always awesome. Li has been snapping a lot of good pictures lately he's probabley taken over a million already on his D90 lol.
Livley,DQ,McFluffrichromis, all the rest of you guys that post picture on the forum this is our chance lets go!