New to CCA


Hi y'all!

Just wanted to introduce myself.

My hubby and I have shared an African cichlid tank for about 3 years now. He took over last spring when I got preggo with our 3rd baby girl and fell ill during and after pregnancy. I had our wee one January 6 and am now back on my feet and ready to jump back in the hobby.

I have set up a 55 and now a 30.

Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 12 gilled babies


Welcome! Lots of great people here.. Hope you make it to one of our meetings and also become a paying member..( its got a lot going for $20/year) including discounts at some vendors..:)

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Board of Directors
Welcome! Congrats and yayyyy for January babies I'm a January baby too just off by 25+ years lol
Everyone here is awesome and very helpful. Come check our next meeting.

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I accidentally clicked submit too soon lol.

I now have a 55 and 30 set up for myself...

I just bought my prize fish, the one I've been wanting for a long time and finally talked the hubby in to letting me buy Festae, Lucy :)

And I also have a 2" clown loach. My hubby has a 75 for his African cichlids.

So here I am starting again and loving every minute. My parents kept fish and so did my hubby's parents so we both knew quite a but before jumping in.

I am super excited! I'm a DIY kinda girl. I love building and tinkering. Everything I own I try to do myself first. So any cool ideas, throw my way and I would love to help!

Btw, any Texans around here??? ;)

Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 12 gilled babies




Anyone know where I can get a pair of Laetacara dorsigera. They should be
fairly common but I haven't seen any around. Anyone keeping these?

My hubby's bday is January 14, my oldest daughter is Jan 15, Grandpa Jan 16, mom Jan 26 and now my youngest is Jan 6. Honestly, January is WAY TOO STRESSFUL for me...especially after Christmas. Talk about a huge dent in the pocket lol

Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 12 gilled babies


Board of Directors
My hubby's bday is January 14, my oldest daughter is Jan 15, Grandpa Jan 16, mom Jan 26 and now my youngest is Jan 6. Honestly, January is WAY TOO STRESSFUL for me...especially after Christmas. Talk about a huge dent in the pocket lol

Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 12 gilled babies

Lol so winter is not a good time for you?

Ps nice looking Festae

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Welcome Welcome. You need some New world cichlids too. Maybe an angel tank for the kids *wink wink*

The problem with that is we're tapped out on tanks and fish and we're trying to rearrange the fishes placement right now.

We have: 75g, 55g and 30g

Fish we have:
3" female Festae,6" female Jack Dempsey, Rubin red peacock, Ruby peacock, Ruby Crystal peacock, yellow fin, 2 red jewels, 2 Bichirs, knife fish, common pleco and a clown loach and we have 2 unknown breeding pair of African cichlids that we want to rehome.

I made a thread for input on placement of the fish yesterday.

I know JD and Festae will either need their own tanks or share a much larger tank.

My daughter brought home the knife fish and put it in the 55 with my Festae and CL. The darn thing was COVERED in Ich! This was one VERY unhappy Mommy lol. So after i treated and cured ich I tore apart my 55 so I could deep clean the whole thing and start over. So right now my Festae is in the 30, the knife fish is still in the 55 and the rest in the 75...ugh, been a nightmare lately lol.

Here's a pic of the Ich infested knife my daughter brought home. Sorry, it's kinda blurry. And idk why the pic is upside down lol.

Happily married Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 15 gilled babies



potamotrygon fan
I accidentally clicked submit too soon lol.

I now have a 55 and 30 set up for myself...

I just bought my prize fish, the one I've been wanting for a long time and finally talked the hubby in to letting me buy Festae, Lucy :)
View attachment 11088View attachment 11089

And I also have a 2" clown loach. My hubby has a 75 for his African cichlids.

So here I am starting again and loving every minute. My parents kept fish and so did my hubby's parents so we both knew quite a but before jumping in.

I am super excited! I'm a DIY kinda girl. I love building and tinkering. Everything I own I try to do myself first. So any cool ideas, throw my way and I would love to help!

Btw, any Texans around here??? ;)

Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 12 gilled babies

Welcome and stunning festae!


looks like an african brown knife

Yes, it's an African brown knife :) I'll try to take a pic of him tomorrow now that the Ich is all gone.

We have a friend that'll probably be taking him since we are a bit crowded right now. Not sure though.

Happily married Mommy of 3 babies, 2 fur babies and 15 gilled babies