New member.


What's up folks, couldn't sleep with the expectations of stocking a tank of mine with a future breeding pair.135g.

I'm local to the DMV, laurel to be exact. So joining was well over due.

I'm 29, and been keeping fish(cichlids mostly) since I was 9-10 years old.

The tanks I'm running are 240 just got in last week. So still setting up. (Had to downgrade it because the 300 would not fit where I wanted it).

A empty 135 which I'm excited to stock.

And a 55 grow out / QT tank.

I also have a 75 but its going to become a sump on the 240.

As far as fish it's pretty lame currently. 4 hybrid mono's. (grow outs less then 3")

Breeding cons(feeders)

1 African brown knife 5-6".

Anyways can't wait to contribute and check out everyone's stock.


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Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Welcome aboard. :)

May be a dumb question, but what's a mono?


Thanks for the welcome guys, ill get some pics when everything is up and running. Been crazy lately with work and social life.

Thinking ima order some Hoga's from rapps for my breeding project. Was between that and Trimac's. I'm a huge fan of the Amphs. ;)

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Thanks for the welcome guys, ill get some pics when everything is up and running. Been crazy lately with work and social life.

Thinking ima order some Hoga's from rapps for my breeding project. Was between that and Trimac's. I'm a huge fan of the Amphs. ;)

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I have recently bred Lyonsi if you are interested, have 1" juvies and fry growing out