New member from Fairfax

Been keeping cichlids since college in the late 80's when I dropped a couple of cute (and tiny) oscars into a 20L...which led quickly to a 55! Went through a range of CA & SA cichlids before discovering Africans.

After being out of fishkeeping the last 5 years I am resetting up my 180G, and would like to do a (mostly) Tanganyikan community tank, with maybe some compatible other species added for color/interest. Hoping the local club here will help me plan and source stocking up.




Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Welcome to the forum, Scott and thanks for becoming a club member! :)

180 gallon Tang community sounds straight up awesome! Any ideas for stocking? There's a lot of different species to be found in our club.

You going to try to make the meeting in April?
Hoping to get some ideas - the rocky area has tons of caves and crevice areas, and I left the right side with some sandy areas and some shells. Tried to leave open water for some cyps.

Ideally I'd like to limit the cichlid warfare, while still having color and activity. Looking for ideas & suggestions!
Cyps will put your community at ease. Incorporating variation in the types of territories available to your community will help too. Tangs lured me back too after 5 years too. It is good to be back.


A belated welcome!
It is great to have another Tanganyikan! I usually have juvie cyps and paracyps, occasionally N. multifasciatus.


Past President
Leleupi have great color, and would work in there. Mark K breeds them regularly. Brichardi/daffodil/sunflower is another good choice and should work, I have some daffodil. A few people breeding shellies, multis are common, but others may be around too (ocellatus, brevis, etc.) Cyps and/or paracyps from Esther would be a good start.

You could possibly add some featherfins for something larger, but not many people breeding them that I know of. Calvus or comps are popular in community tang setups too.