New Discoveries



My name is Jeremy, I keep all kinds of cichlids between my tanks. I started out with a small 30 community tank with 2 black sharks in it.. 2.5 years later one has died (tank jumper) and one has moved into a new 125.

I am currently running 5 tanks.
- 125g - Black shark, 2 oscars and a chalceus
- 110g - Mix match of larger cichlids and oddballs
- 75g - Africans (all sorts of the 8" and under)
- 35 hex - Angles, guppies, tetras, small loaches
- 20 long (Crab tank) - i also use this to breed guppies shrimp and snails.

I keep thinking about joining as a full member but living in PA I wouldn't make many meetings. I have made it to a few of the shows and will be attending the Big Fish Deal with my father and godson. I want to get more into a community of fish lovers and find other people to work with on DIY projects. I've dabbled with some things but am not confident enough yet to try to make my own sump which is a goal I'm working toward. I'm also saving for a custom 200 tank i would like to showcase in my living room.






Well-Known Member

My name is Jeremy, I keep all kinds of cichlids between my tanks. . . . . .

If you keep the cichlids between the tanks what do you keep in the tanks? :lol:

Welcome aboard.

Could try starting with a DIY canister filter for some confidence building.


Hi Jeremy! My name's Carl, I live down in Virginia. I did finally make it to the last meeting, after being a member for a year, and watching the forum for a lot longer. I joined to support the club, it's a bunch of great folks, and a lot of knowledge and experience.


Haha I did not catch that in my review before I posted FishEggs.

Thank you all for the warm welcomes, I will be attending the Big Fish Deal, this will be my second event that I am attending. I am very excited; there was so much to learn last time.


Oh forgot. CSnider00, no I do not have a snakehead. They are really nice fish but I don't think one would work with any of my setups because of the variety I Like to keep. In the last picture my tank turned a little yellow after trying out a turtle. My black shark just pushed it around all day so I found that turtle a new home. Still trying to clear that water up after two weeks, and now I have some gold fish left over he didn't eat as-well. My son likes the goldfish so for now they stay.


CCA Members
Welcome Jeremy and look forward to you coming down for the Big Fish Deal. You might also want to join Cichlid Club of York (CCY), one our sister clubs!
