Neolamprologus pulcher photo


Just snapped this one (in the prone position on my basement floor because the 33 long is on the bottom of the rack). The little baby staring at the camera had me cracking up.



Wow, just wow. That's amazing. What kind of camera do you use?

Lucas, I use a really old Canon DLSR that I believe I purchased back in 2005. It still takes decent pictures (the best lens I have is a Tamron 2.8 mid range), but I'm sure the low light performance and lack of IS with any of my lenses makes for some tricky shots.

I think the most important factor in taking a shot like this is a willingness to lay on your stomach on the cold cement floor, inhaling dust and feeling the errant pellet food embed into your elbows. It's basically the same level of commitment that combat photographers in Vietnam displayed in the face of danger.


Thank you for the nice words about the picture. I was just happy to be able to get something in focus and the inclusion of the baby was a bonus.