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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

Need Speakers


I am trying to work the schedule for the next year. It would be best to ahve some from our local area, especially for the feb-mar months as we could get bad weather.

Any volunteers?
Ron, I would volunteer on a "Digital Photography" talk. But, the last time I spoke, I noticed a few in the audience fell asleep. :wacko:

If you are in pinch, I would be willing to give it another try. However, it may be too redundant to repeat a similar talk within a twelve month period.

On second thought, maybe not a good idea. :unsure:


How about a photo workshop instead then?

Others could bring in their cameras, we set up a couple tanks, and they try to take some pictures. You and possible others would help them with lighting and settings on their camera so they could get a better picture. Then display pictures for all to see.

Maybe we could make this a pig-in and people could bring food as well. Kind of a social event.


I would LOVE to go to a photo workshop! I was trying to snap some shots last night and I jsut can't seem to get good ones :(
If you think we can get enough folks interested, I would enjoy helping out.

Francine, Pat and I talked about doing it earlier this year.

We could even set up a computer and process some of the shots. Burn processed images on cd and give it back to the members to do what they wish with them.

Sounds like fun. :D


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
Sounds a lot like what we talked about at your place Ron. I think it would be a good event. Set up a few tanks, everybody bring your camera, and just see what we can do.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I have several small tanks with black background
that I could bring. A few fish. Light would be a little harder.
Any one else.
Having a tank setup with extra overhead lamps would provide an ideal setup for non flash photography. A 20L with extra strips should work. We can always tape a black background on the back.

Also, at least one tank should have a glass top to demonstrate the overhead remote flash setup. That tank will also require a simple strip light.

The main thing is to be able to set the tanks where we don't have to deal with ambient light. The blinds and light fixtures have to be dimmed. The ideal scenario would be to set up dark curtains in the tank area so we don't have to deal with light coming through the windows and light fixtures.

I mention this because it so imperative to eliminate outside ambient light source when shooting aquarium photography. These are the basic setup requirements if you want to improve your odds to get better captures.

We can do it. Just a little planning is required.


The photo workshop is an interesting idea. Depending which month it is, I could volunteer some fish (since I live fairly close). In fact, the fish from those mixed Malawi bags might be prime candidates in a few months (plus, then I could get more help in figuring out what the heck some of them are!). A couple are already coloring up nicely.

I'm willing to try

Hey, I'm new and don't know any of you yet, but I'm willing to speak eventually and could give a decent presentation on spawning and fry rearing of mouthbrooders or substrate spawners. I've got a lot of okay pictures and a few low to medium resolution videos of cichlids spawning or raising fry in my tanks and also a few shots of cichlids in ponds (I build my own small pond with various cichlid inhabitants when I lived in Florida). I'll have to get to a meeting to get a feel for whether or not my expertise level is up to speaker caliber for your group. I look forward to meeting you all.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Thats fine Daniel. Any level is good for a speaker. We have advanced people as well as beginners in the club. Welcome and I hope you make the January meeting.



I am trying to work the schedule for the next year. It would be best to ahve some from our local area, especially for the feb-mar months as we could get bad weather.

Any volunteers?
Well, at the risk of being turned down again, I'd be happy to give my sunfish/cichlid talk.