My first meeting


CCA Members
Hi All,

I plan to attend my first club meeting this Saturday, April 9, 2017. Is there someone I can speak with about obtaining a club membership card?
On my first meeting when I became a member, they made one for me when I went to check in. Just say your a member and you need a card at the front table by the door. This will be my 2nd meeting =)


Do you need to be a member to attend a meeting? I have no problem joining and contributing to the club I'm just tight on funds at the moment.


CCA Members
On my first meeting when I became a member, they made one for me when I went to check in. Just say your a member and you need a card at the front table by the door. This will be my 2nd meeting =)

Okay, thanks.

I'll bring my laminator in case the club's isn't there.

Thank you. I saw your fishroom on King of DIY. It was incredible.

Welcome - and glad you're coming to a meeting!


Thanks, Matt. I have been wanting to get to a meeting for a long time.