Matt Quinn Introduction


CCA Members
Hello CCA,

My family and I have recently moved to Gaithersburg from Sacramento, CA and it would be great to get involved with other "cichlidiots" in the area...

I've been keeping fish since I was a kid (over 20 years) and have kept and bred everything from Belonesox to Bujurquina :) Those of you who attended the ACA in Sacramento probably saw some of my fish (the Aequidens diadema that placed 1st, the bi-color 500 peacock that placed 2nd, and the Pindu that placed 3rd)...

Before moving out here, I tore down my (garage) fishroom in CA and sold most of my fish, so (other than a couple of boxes that I brought with me) I'm starting fresh.

I've kept most cichlids but always seem to come back to mid-sized central and south americans. And weird livebearers. My wife wishes that I like something other than brown and gray fish that hide a lot.

I'm in the process of setting up a fishroom in the basement of our new place. I really enjoy designing and building my own stands, filters, etc. My fishroom in CA had an auto-water change system that I plan to re-create here...

In the next couple of months I'll begin to re-build my fish collection...hopefully some folks in the area have some tips on tracking down some quality stock.

Best wishes,
Matt Quinn


Hi Matt, welcome to Merry-Land!
And welcome to the CCA! Glad to have you here with us. :sign0201:
We look forward to meeting you at the meetings!

Sounds like you've got some awesome fish, if you're winning ACA titles like that. We didn't make it to Sacramento this year, so you'll have to post some pictures of your fish when you can, k? And yep, there's alot of members with some excellent stock - I'm sure you'll have things set up & running in no time!



Hi Matt and welcome to the area. I can assure you that when it comes to the supply of Cichlids you are in the right place. The folks at the CCA and their sponsors can probably provide you with just about anything you desire. I am new to this club and to the cichlids but I am trying to make it to most meetings. I hope you can make it to the meeting on 1/12 and if your undecided, I would recommend it due to the speaker. Good Luck in the new house and best wishes from the other side of the Mason-Dixon !


CCA member
Hi Matt! Welcome to CCA and to the forum. Hope to see you at the meetings. YES, the people in this club have, or have had, too many cichlids to name. (Many of which I can not identify yet.) Look back over the forum - especially the pictures - to see what goes on in this crowd. If you are in to cichlids THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE!!


The big event this year was AquaFest 2007. Pics of the event and winning fish are on the CCA website.
See you soon!


Howdy Matt! Welcome aboard! Looking forward to meeting you. You've come to the right place.

If you can, photograph your progress in your fishroom and post it on the forum. A lot of us are looking to go semi/fully automatic.
Welcome to the CCA Matt. Sounds like we just got ourselves another quality member that knows his hobby. Hope to meet you at one of the meetings. :sign0201:


Welcome aboard Matt! Let us know what you are looking for, if we don't have it, we know who does. Several members (myself included) have been selling off old tanks and equipment, so we can probably help you out in that department as well.


Welcome Matt !

You left a great area for cichlids for another great area for cichlids ! I don't think you will be disappointed !!

We are a pretty diverse group.... so I think you'll find most of what you are looking for. If not I'm sure one us will know where to get it.

Great to have a new member that knows his stuff !

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Well Matt, I see you have introduced yourself to the gang.

Hope you have a good time and find the fish you need.

If you want, maybe you could write an article for our club publication on the process of your building your fish room.?
I am always

Hope you can make it this month


Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Welcome to Montgomery County, Matt. By all means, keep us posted on the progress of your new fishroom. Looking forward to meeting you at the next CCA meeting.

Hello CCA,

My family and I have recently moved to Gaithersburg from Sacramento, CA and it would be great to get involved with other "cichlidiots" in the area...

I've been keeping fish since I was a kid (over 20 years) and have kept and bred everything from Belonesox to Bujurquina :) Those of you who attended the ACA in Sacramento probably saw some of my fish (the Aequidens diadema that placed 1st, the bi-color 500 peacock that placed 2nd, and the Pindu that placed 3rd)...

Before moving out here, I tore down my (garage) fishroom in CA and sold most of my fish, so (other than a couple of boxes that I brought with me) I'm starting fresh.

I've kept most cichlids but always seem to come back to mid-sized central and south americans. And weird livebearers. My wife wishes that I like something other than brown and gray fish that hide a lot.

I'm in the process of setting up a fishroom in the basement of our new place. I really enjoy designing and building my own stands, filters, etc. My fishroom in CA had an auto-water change system that I plan to re-create here...

In the next couple of months I'll begin to re-build my fish collection...hopefully some folks in the area have some tips on tracking down some quality stock.

Best wishes,
Matt Quinn[/b]


CCA Members
Thanks for all of the introductions! I'll try to make the next meeting...

I'm pretty limited on space and we're renting for now, so I can't go too wild with the fishroom build...Most of my tanks are 2'x2'x1'(tall) but I have a 125 and a 75 as well. Should have about 30-35 tanks when the dust settles. I'm more than happy to put together an article at some point on building a fishroom.

Here are some pictures of my fish (and some others) from the ACA (I'm dogofwar26, so the Aequidens, lamena, etc. were mine):

Here are some more (the bi-color peacock and Thoricthys are mine):

best wishes,


Welcome to Maryland (home of the never ending trail of taxes) and to the CCA (home of great fish, people, and drama) !

Don't recognize any of the fish you mentioned, but I can't name many of mine either - Latin Impaired - hope to see you at Sats. meeting.



Hey Mike

there is a new dog in town. dog of war.

Welcome Matt...

Welcome aboard Matt! Let us know what you are looking for, if we don't have it, we know who does. Several members (myself included) have been selling off old tanks and equipment, so we can probably help you out in that department as well.[/b]