Male Rope fish


So I just picked up this male rope fish. He's 12".

I put him in my 40 column with a male ice top ahli, male zebra OB, and female OB peacock and all are getting along so far.

Here's some pics:

Rope fish.jpg

Rope fish 2.jpg

rope fish 3.jpg


Very cool I didn't know you could put those with Africans

You can put him with certain Africans (haps and peacocks) depending on the tank. I think putting him with aggessive Mbunas would be a bad idea. I have plenty of lace rock caves/coves and driftwood for him to slither around and so far no issues.


Well-Known Member
it also depends on the size of the fish too. i have some african peacocks that would eat night crawlers not much smaller than a rope fish.


it also depends on the size of the fish too. i have some african peacocks that would eat night crawlers not much smaller than a rope fish.

I've had rope fish eat those same night crawlers :) I kept mine with adult Texas and they were fine.

The one issue with keeping them with Africans is that rope fish tend to prefer lower ph. Though they are very hardy and can do fine in higher ph.

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