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loosing interest in freshwater.....:(


maybe I am just going thru a cycle but I am definitely loosing my interest in freshwater since I bought the nano tank from Michael and started saltwater....


I have a lot of SW equipment (skimmers, chiller, etc...) that I have laying around. May be up for sale soon.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Never ever get out. !!!!

I had a tank as a kid. Got out
got back in when I was around 21 and got out around 26 had like 11 tanks.
around age 32 got back in and that lasted until around age 35. had 14 tanks set up.
Around age 37 or so set up around 20 tanks till about 40.
At about age 44 started again and this time went to 50+ tanks plus 7 or so clubs, plus forums, plus plus plus...... Wife will not let me get out again. She is afraid if I get out I will get even bigger the next time.
Come on Kam!! I need you to stay in FW. I need to know there is some one as crazy as me :) Keep both. I'm going the other way. I have 500 gallons of SW. and I'm adding 500 gallons of FW.


Change things up a bit. Find some new species you haven't kept yet and try it out.

Sw is cool...just expensive.


hi all ...loosing interest don't mean i m getting out thought of it though haha but reducing number of tanks. i am way slacking and behind in some maintenance of tanks, plus I am probably need to try different species like you guys said...
But thanks for the kind words

Nice one Pat lol.. I think you should quit like a month, come back with a 1000g tank.

Nice Billy..500SW...what's in there? Reef or shark tank?

Michael, definitely interested in the chiller or some lighting if there are good price :)

Also, for those who think SW is expensive..it's actually not bad. I thought of that before I made the jump. You can get decent price and hookup at local club. There is 3 local clubs in Baltimore, DC, VA, PA area LOL

something else..forgotten the name


Master Jedi & Past VP
200g reef (little fish)
200g FOWLR (big fish)
frag tank
oh yea,Pond (big koi)

Yeah, I've actually seen Bill's tank's and they're Awesome.

Someday soon I will have a SW tank of my very own.

Don't Give up Kam! Wait till the winter comes and you will find yourself bored out of your mind with out any CCA meetings to go to.

What will happen is you'll begin to go stir crazy and want to come running back to the Cichlid World. I promise.

I recommend you come to our last meeting of the year on November 14th and buy a bunch of Fish. Then take a couple Hikari pellets with a glass of milk and call me in the morning;) LOL!



CCA Members
I agree with Richard - come to the nov meeting and see some pictures of diving in lake Malawi ... Get some cool fish in the auction...

I've kept sw although not reefs. It's just not my thing. I found myself looking for sw fish like cichlids



I understand what Kam is going through I did the same thing were I would loose interest and then gain interest cant, and I couldn’t my mind up. I remember at one point I had 3 sps reef tanks and 6 cichlid tanks wow that was a lot to deal with. For me after a while I notice that I wanted more fish in my reef tanks, and then I wanted some non-reef tank fish and then I realized I didn’t want any of it any more. I was tired of the constant the high maintenance of a SW tank like maintaining proper calcium level, Kh, PH, Phosphate, salt, temp fluctuation etc. You had to deal with this kind of stuff 3 times a week and AT EVERY WATER CHANGE. I finally turned my head back towards cichlids and I couldn’t be happier now lol. However I do miss a lot of those rare coral and colors, I guess its all a double edge sword. I hope you do come to the Nov. meeting Kam, let me know if you need anything else for your SW tank I would be glad to help.



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
^^^^What Josh said.

I have a 26 reef at home and a 6 at work. Nice stuff, but a lot more work and $$ than cichlids imo. Used to go nuts for the colored sticks (SPS) but after a couple of temperature spikes that wiped out nearly everything, starting keeping the easier stuff.

Crashes will happen, no matter how good you are or how bullet-proof your system is. They hurt.

I was planning on setting up a 150 gallon reef years back, but realized how expensive everything would be and how much attention it would require and decided to nix it.

While I like my two tanks now, I'm pretty complacent with them.....not in any rush to expand or get rid of them.

Do what you like; don't let anyone talk you into it or out of it. Just dropping my $.02 from my experience in that part of the hobby.

Definitely get involved with WAMAS/CMAS. I spent more time with WAMAS because they are more MoCo-oriented, but attended a few CMAS meetings in Baltimore. Good folks that will help you out and teach you a lot.... help you skip over some of the more painful steps in the learnign curve.


Past President
Don't lose focus Kam. When I sold you the tank the goal was to compliment your cichlid interest, not distract from it. You can maintain both successfully, you just have to keep a good schedule. It can be a lot to keep up with, but the clubs are here to keep you going. Hope to see you at the meeting.


I always wanted a SW tank... until I went diving.

tear down the SW tanks and use the money to get dive certified. You get to see all the cool corals and fish in real life that way. And if you ever decided you must have another SW ... go catch your own fish. A lot cheaper that way and you can get much bigger fish than any lfs would ever stock :p

That is my plan one day. Get a huge tank and stock the SW fish myself :p It's the only way I would ever want one now.


I always wanted a SW tank... until I went diving.

tear down the SW tanks and use the money to get dive certified. You get to see all the cool corals and fish in real life that way. And if you ever decided you must have another SW ... go catch your own fish. A lot cheaper that way and you can get much bigger fish than any lfs would ever stock :p

That is my plan one day. Get a huge tank and stock the SW fish myself :p It's the only way I would ever want one now.

diving is cool. I used to skin dive with my dad. it was cool! ..i think it's illegal to collect fish on the sea? plus Atlantic got not so cool fish :)

thanks all.


If you go down to NC they have very cool fish... the same fish as down on the islands. Infact they even have lion fish ;) by the hundreds !!

It isn't illegal... if you go far enough out. Not sure how far out... but you would have to go out on a boat. International water then...

I normally go at least 5-10 miles out when I dive off of NC... I know it's not illegal then. If you think about it... you can fish for them.. why couldn't you go catch them? ;)


The ONE who is The ONE
hi all ...loosing interest don't mean i m getting out thought of it though haha but reducing number of tanks. i am way slacking and behind in some maintenance of tanks, plus I am probably need to try different species like you guys said...
But thanks for the kind words

Nice one Pat lol.. I think you should quit like a month, come back with a 1000g tank.

Nice Billy..500SW...what's in there? Reef or shark tank?

Michael, definitely interested in the chiller or some lighting if there are good price :)

Also, for those who think SW is expensive..it's actually not bad. I thought of that before I made the jump. You can get decent price and hookup at local club. There is 3 local clubs in Baltimore, DC, VA, PA area LOL

something else..forgotten the name

SMMAS is the one you forgot http://www.smmas.org/