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Just for the record -- braces suck!!!!!!

So I recently decided to get braces to fix a bite issue that my dentist convinced me would -- down the road -- lead to all kinds of doom and gloom. The price tag was bad enough -- $5500 -- but now that I have the damned things actually in my mouth, this is awful!!

The top braces went on about a month ago and nobody noticed. They are clear and, well, I guess not very noticeable to anyone but me. They left me very sore for two weeks and a little sore for two more weeks but otherwise not a big deal. I got the bottom braces on yesterday. These are metal and quite ugly. They are hurt like hell and are ripping up my mouth. In addition, they did this thing to my molars where they make a little "built up place" that basically feels like someone glued a pebble to my back teeth, so that I don't bite down on the braces on the bottom. So now I can't eat anything!!

OK. I'm done *****in'. My I'm very annoyed. And I look dorky, too.


Braces suck. Get used to being on a jello and applesauce diet for a week or so after they tighten them...


Past CCA President
Sorry to hear about your ordeal. I had braces in grade school and can still remember the soreness. Good news is that they don't last forever and your bite will be good for the rest of your life. Hang in there!


Global Moderators
I had them as a teenager. Not fun at all. I remember they constantly cut up my lips on the inside. The day I had them removed was one of the happiest days in my life.


Staff member
I had braces from like 6th grade through 10th grade. One thing I remember about when there were sharp edges, I used to take that wax like comes on the outside of various cheeses and knead it until it was soft and then I'd put it on the sharp areas to lessen the impact on my mouth.


Time to cowgirl up

In this weeks episode of "As the Biowheel Turns", our heroine struggles with orthodontic karma while agonizing over the likely death spirals of countless piscine juveniles heedlessly jettisoned into the municipal water treatment system. Despite her travails and with the aid of acrylics, she finds solace by nurturing her artistic proclivities with a passable facelift of an otherwise hideous aquatic refuge.

Next week: "Gone to the dogs" - Coping with five housebound flatulent canines and a horse with bad dreams.

None are flatulent . . . thank goodness for small favors.

Invisalyn doesn't, apparently, do as good a job on overbite situations such as mine, so I chose not to go that route. Perhaps that was an error on my part . . .